

Returns information on a specific signing platform.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_signing_platform(
platformId (string) --


The ID of the target signing platform.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'platformId': 'string',
    'displayName': 'string',
    'partner': 'string',
    'target': 'string',
    'category': 'AWSIoT',
    'signingConfiguration': {
        'encryptionAlgorithmOptions': {
            'allowedValues': [
            'defaultValue': 'RSA'|'ECDSA'
        'hashAlgorithmOptions': {
            'allowedValues': [
            'defaultValue': 'SHA1'|'SHA256'
    'signingImageFormat': {
        'supportedFormats': [
        'defaultFormat': 'JSON'|'JSONEmbedded'|'JSONDetached'
    'maxSizeInMB': 123,
    'revocationSupported': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • platformId (string) --

      The ID of the target signing platform.

    • displayName (string) --

      The display name of the target signing platform.

    • partner (string) --

      A list of partner entities that use the target signing platform.

    • target (string) --

      The validation template that is used by the target signing platform.

    • category (string) --

      The category type of the target signing platform.

    • signingConfiguration (dict) --

      A list of configurations applied to the target platform at signing.

      • encryptionAlgorithmOptions (dict) --

        The encryption algorithm options that are available for a code signing job.

        • allowedValues (list) --

          The set of accepted encryption algorithms that are allowed in a code signing job.

          • (string) --
        • defaultValue (string) --

          The default encryption algorithm that is used by a code signing job.

      • hashAlgorithmOptions (dict) --

        The hash algorithm options that are available for a code signing job.

        • allowedValues (list) --

          The set of accepted hash algorithms allowed in a code signing job.

          • (string) --
        • defaultValue (string) --

          The default hash algorithm that is used in a code signing job.

    • signingImageFormat (dict) --

      The format of the target platform's signing image.

      • supportedFormats (list) --

        The supported formats of a code signing image.

        • (string) --
      • defaultFormat (string) --

        The default format of a code signing image.

    • maxSizeInMB (integer) --

      The maximum size (in MB) of the payload that can be signed by the target platform.

    • revocationSupported (boolean) --

      A flag indicating whether signatures generated for the signing platform can be revoked.


  • signer.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • signer.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • signer.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • signer.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceErrorException