

Returns a list of all OpsItem events in the current Amazon Web Services Region and Amazon Web Services account. You can limit the results to events associated with specific OpsItems by specifying a filter.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_ops_item_events(
            'Key': 'OpsItemId',
            'Values': [
            'Operator': 'Equal'
  • Filters (list) --

    One or more OpsItem filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results.

    • (dict) --

      Describes a filter for a specific list of OpsItem events. You can filter event information by using tags. You specify tags by using a key-value pair mapping.

      • Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the filter key. Currently, the only supported value is OpsItemId .

      • Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        The values for the filter, consisting of one or more OpsItem IDs.

        • (string) --
      • Operator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The operator used by the filter call. Currently, the only supported value is Equal .

  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
  • NextToken (string) -- A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'Summaries': [
            'OpsItemId': 'string',
            'EventId': 'string',
            'Source': 'string',
            'DetailType': 'string',
            'Detail': 'string',
            'CreatedBy': {
                'Arn': 'string'
            'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token for the next set of items to return. Use this token to get the next set of results.

    • Summaries (list) --

      A list of event information for the specified OpsItems.

      • (dict) --

        Summary information about an OpsItem event or that associated an OpsItem with a related item.

        • OpsItemId (string) --

          The ID of the OpsItem.

        • EventId (string) --

          The ID of the OpsItem event.

        • Source (string) --

          The source of the OpsItem event.

        • DetailType (string) --

          The type of information provided as a detail.

        • Detail (string) --

          Specific information about the OpsItem event.

        • CreatedBy (dict) --

          Information about the user or resource that created the OpsItem event.

          • Arn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM entity that created the OpsItem event.

        • CreatedTime (datetime) --

          The date and time the OpsItem event was created.


  • SSM.Client.exceptions.InternalServerError
  • SSM.Client.exceptions.OpsItemNotFoundException
  • SSM.Client.exceptions.OpsItemLimitExceededException
  • SSM.Client.exceptions.OpsItemInvalidParameterException