Connect / Client / list_phone_numbers



Provides information about the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide .


The phone number Arn value that is returned from each of the items in the PhoneNumberSummaryList cannot be used to tag phone number resources. It will fail with a ResourceNotFoundException . Instead, use the ListPhoneNumbersV2 API. It returns the new phone number ARN that can be used to tag phone number resources.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_phone_numbers(
  • InstanceId (string) –


    The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

  • PhoneNumberTypes (list) –

    The type of phone number.

    • (string) –

  • PhoneNumberCountryCodes (list) –

    The ISO country code.

    • (string) –

  • NextToken (string) – The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

  • MaxResults (integer) – The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'PhoneNumberSummaryList': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'PhoneNumber': 'string',
            'PhoneNumberType': 'TOLL_FREE'|'DID',
            'PhoneNumberCountryCode': 'AF'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BA'|'BW'|'BR'|'IO'|'VG'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CK'|'CR'|'HR'|'CU'|'CW'|'CY'|'CZ'|'CD'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'TL'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'PF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GU'|'GT'|'GG'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IM'|'IL'|'IT'|'CI'|'JM'|'JP'|'JE'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'ME'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'AN'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'KP'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'CG'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'BL'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'MF'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'RS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SX'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'KR'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'VI'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VA'|'VE'|'VN'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • PhoneNumberSummaryList (list) –

      Information about the phone numbers.

      • (dict) –

        Contains summary information about a phone number for a contact center.

        • Id (string) –

          The identifier of the phone number.

        • Arn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

        • PhoneNumber (string) –

          The phone number.

        • PhoneNumberType (string) –

          The type of phone number.

        • PhoneNumberCountryCode (string) –

          The ISO country code.

    • NextToken (string) –

      If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.


  • Connect.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceException