LookoutforVision / Paginator / ListDatasetEntries


class LookoutforVision.Paginator.ListDatasetEntries#
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_dataset_entries')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from LookoutforVision.Client.list_dataset_entries().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
    BeforeCreationDate=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    AfterCreationDate=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • ProjectName (string) –


    The name of the project that contains the dataset that you want to list.

  • DatasetType (string) –


    The type of the dataset that you want to list. Specify train to list the training dataset. Specify test to list the test dataset. If you have a single dataset project, specify train .

  • Labeled (boolean) – Specify true to include labeled entries, otherwise specify false . If you don’t specify a value, Lookout for Vision returns all entries.

  • AnomalyClass (string) – Specify normal to include only normal images. Specify anomaly to only include anomalous entries. If you don’t specify a value, Amazon Lookout for Vision returns normal and anomalous images.

  • BeforeCreationDate (datetime) – Only includes entries before the specified date in the response. For example, 2020-06-23T00:00:00 .

  • AfterCreationDate (datetime) – Only includes entries after the specified date in the response. For example, 2020-06-23T00:00:00 .

  • SourceRefContains (string) – Perform a “contains” search on the values of the source-ref key within the dataset. For example a value of “IMG_17” returns all JSON Lines where the source-ref key value matches IMG_17 .

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) –

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'DatasetEntries': [


Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • DatasetEntries (list) –

      A list of the entries (JSON Lines) within the dataset.

      • (string) –