MediaLive / Client / update_input_device



Updates the parameters for the input device.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_input_device(
        'ConfiguredInput': 'AUTO'|'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'MaxBitrate': 123,
        'LatencyMs': 123
        'ConfiguredInput': 'AUTO'|'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'MaxBitrate': 123,
        'LatencyMs': 123
  • HdDeviceSettings (dict) –

    The settings that you want to apply to the HD input device.

    • ConfiguredInput (string) – The input source that you want to use. If the device has a source connected to only one of its input ports, or if you don’t care which source the device sends, specify Auto. If the device has sources connected to both its input ports, and you want to use a specific source, specify the source.

    • MaxBitrate (integer) – The maximum bitrate in bits per second. Set a value here to throttle the bitrate of the source video.

    • LatencyMs (integer) – The Link device’s buffer size (latency) in milliseconds (ms).

  • InputDeviceId (string) – [REQUIRED] The unique ID of the input device. For example, hd-123456789abcdef.

  • Name (string) – The name that you assigned to this input device (not the unique ID).

  • UhdDeviceSettings (dict) –

    The settings that you want to apply to the UHD input device.

    • ConfiguredInput (string) – The input source that you want to use. If the device has a source connected to only one of its input ports, or if you don’t care which source the device sends, specify Auto. If the device has sources connected to both its input ports, and you want to use a specific source, specify the source.

    • MaxBitrate (integer) – The maximum bitrate in bits per second. Set a value here to throttle the bitrate of the source video.

    • LatencyMs (integer) – The Link device’s buffer size (latency) in milliseconds (ms).

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'ConnectionState': 'DISCONNECTED'|'CONNECTED',
    'DeviceSettingsSyncState': 'SYNCED'|'SYNCING',
    'DeviceUpdateStatus': 'UP_TO_DATE'|'NOT_UP_TO_DATE'|'UPDATING',
    'HdDeviceSettings': {
        'ActiveInput': 'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'ConfiguredInput': 'AUTO'|'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'DeviceState': 'IDLE'|'STREAMING',
        'Framerate': 123.0,
        'Height': 123,
        'MaxBitrate': 123,
        'ScanType': 'INTERLACED'|'PROGRESSIVE',
        'Width': 123,
        'LatencyMs': 123
    'Id': 'string',
    'MacAddress': 'string',
    'Name': 'string',
    'NetworkSettings': {
        'DnsAddresses': [
        'Gateway': 'string',
        'IpAddress': 'string',
        'IpScheme': 'STATIC'|'DHCP',
        'SubnetMask': 'string'
    'SerialNumber': 'string',
    'Type': 'HD'|'UHD',
    'UhdDeviceSettings': {
        'ActiveInput': 'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'ConfiguredInput': 'AUTO'|'HDMI'|'SDI',
        'DeviceState': 'IDLE'|'STREAMING',
        'Framerate': 123.0,
        'Height': 123,
        'MaxBitrate': 123,
        'ScanType': 'INTERLACED'|'PROGRESSIVE',
        'Width': 123,
        'LatencyMs': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) – Input device update is in progress.

    • Arn (string) – The unique ARN of the input device.

    • ConnectionState (string) – The state of the connection between the input device and AWS.

    • DeviceSettingsSyncState (string) – The status of the action to synchronize the device configuration. If you change the configuration of the input device (for example, the maximum bitrate), MediaLive sends the new data to the device. The device might not update itself immediately. SYNCED means the device has updated its configuration. SYNCING means that it has not updated its configuration.

    • DeviceUpdateStatus (string) – The status of software on the input device.

    • HdDeviceSettings (dict) – Settings that describe an input device that is type HD.

      • ActiveInput (string) – If you specified Auto as the configured input, specifies which of the sources is currently active (SDI or HDMI).

      • ConfiguredInput (string) – The source at the input device that is currently active. You can specify this source.

      • DeviceState (string) – The state of the input device.

      • Framerate (float) – The frame rate of the video source.

      • Height (integer) – The height of the video source, in pixels.

      • MaxBitrate (integer) – The current maximum bitrate for ingesting this source, in bits per second. You can specify this maximum.

      • ScanType (string) – The scan type of the video source.

      • Width (integer) – The width of the video source, in pixels.

      • LatencyMs (integer) – The Link device’s buffer size (latency) in milliseconds (ms). You can specify this value.

    • Id (string) – The unique ID of the input device.

    • MacAddress (string) – The network MAC address of the input device.

    • Name (string) – A name that you specify for the input device.

    • NetworkSettings (dict) – The network settings for the input device.

      • DnsAddresses (list) – The DNS addresses of the input device.

        • (string) – Placeholder documentation for __string

      • Gateway (string) – The network gateway IP address.

      • IpAddress (string) – The IP address of the input device.

      • IpScheme (string) – Specifies whether the input device has been configured (outside of MediaLive) to use a dynamic IP address assignment (DHCP) or a static IP address.

      • SubnetMask (string) – The subnet mask of the input device.

    • SerialNumber (string) – The unique serial number of the input device.

    • Type (string) – The type of the input device.

    • UhdDeviceSettings (dict) – Settings that describe an input device that is type UHD.

      • ActiveInput (string) – If you specified Auto as the configured input, specifies which of the sources is currently active (SDI or HDMI).

      • ConfiguredInput (string) – The source at the input device that is currently active. You can specify this source.

      • DeviceState (string) – The state of the input device.

      • Framerate (float) – The frame rate of the video source.

      • Height (integer) – The height of the video source, in pixels.

      • MaxBitrate (integer) – The current maximum bitrate for ingesting this source, in bits per second. You can specify this maximum.

      • ScanType (string) – The scan type of the video source.

      • Width (integer) – The width of the video source, in pixels.

      • LatencyMs (integer) – The Link device’s buffer size (latency) in milliseconds (ms). You can specify this value.


  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadGatewayException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.GatewayTimeoutException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException