SecretsManager / Client / tag_resource



Attaches tags to a secret. Tags consist of a key name and a value. Tags are part of the secret’s metadata. They are not associated with specific versions of the secret. This operation appends tags to the existing list of tags.

The following restrictions apply to tags:

  • Maximum number of tags per secret: 50

  • Maximum key length: 127 Unicode characters in UTF-8

  • Maximum value length: 255 Unicode characters in UTF-8

  • Tag keys and values are case sensitive.

  • Do not use the aws: prefix in your tag names or values because Amazon Web Services reserves it for Amazon Web Services use. You can’t edit or delete tag names or values with this prefix. Tags with this prefix do not count against your tags per secret limit.

  • If you use your tagging schema across multiple services and resources, other services might have restrictions on allowed characters. Generally allowed characters: letters, spaces, and numbers representable in UTF-8, plus the following special characters: + - = . _ : / @.


If you use tags as part of your security strategy, then adding or removing a tag can change permissions. If successfully completing this operation would result in you losing your permissions for this secret, then the operation is blocked and returns an Access Denied error.

Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you call this action. Do not include sensitive information in request parameters because it might be logged. For more information, see Logging Secrets Manager events with CloudTrail.

**Required permissions: ** secretsmanager:TagResource. For more information, see IAM policy actions for Secrets Manager and Authentication and access control in Secrets Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.tag_resource(
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • SecretId (string) –


    The identifier for the secret to attach tags to. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.

    For an ARN, we recommend that you specify a complete ARN rather than a partial ARN. See Finding a secret from a partial ARN.

  • Tags (list) –


    The tags to attach to the secret as a JSON text string argument. Each element in the list consists of a Key and a Value.

    For storing multiple values, we recommend that you use a JSON text string argument and specify key/value pairs. For more information, see Specifying parameter values for the Amazon Web Services CLI in the Amazon Web Services CLI User Guide.

    • (dict) –

      A structure that contains information about a tag.

      • Key (string) –

        The key identifier, or name, of the tag.

      • Value (string) –

        The string value associated with the key of the tag.




  • SecretsManager.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • SecretsManager.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException

  • SecretsManager.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • SecretsManager.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceError


The following example shows how to attach two tags each with a Key and Value to a secret. There is no output from this API. To see the result, use the DescribeSecret operation.

response = client.tag_resource(
            'Key': 'FirstTag',
            'Value': 'SomeValue',
            'Key': 'SecondTag',
            'Value': 'AnotherValue',


Expected Output:

    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',