

class Connect.Client#

A low-level client representing Amazon Connect Service

Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution that you use to set up and manage a customer contact center and provide reliable customer engagement at any scale.

Amazon Connect provides metrics and real-time reporting that enable you to optimize contact routing. You can also resolve customer issues more efficiently by getting customers in touch with the appropriate agents.

There are limits to the number of Amazon Connect resources that you can create. There are also limits to the number of requests that you can make per second. For more information, seeP98941055 Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

You can connect programmatically to an Amazon Web Services service by using an endpoint. For a list of Amazon Connect endpoints, see Amazon Connect Endpoints.

import boto3

client = boto3.client('connect')

These are the available methods:


Paginators are available on a client instance via the get_paginator method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage of paginators, see the paginators user guide.

The available paginators are: