RDS / Client / describe_pending_maintenance_actions



Returns a list of resources (for example, DB instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_pending_maintenance_actions(
            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
  • ResourceIdentifier (string) – The ARN of a resource to return pending maintenance actions for.

  • Filters (list) –

    A filter that specifies one or more resources to return pending maintenance actions for.

    Supported filters:

    • db-cluster-id - Accepts DB cluster identifiers and DB cluster Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). The results list only includes pending maintenance actions for the DB clusters identified by these ARNs.

    • db-instance-id - Accepts DB instance identifiers and DB instance ARNs. The results list only includes pending maintenance actions for the DB instances identified by these ARNs.

    • (dict) –

      A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by specific criteria, such as IDs. The filters supported by a describe operation are documented with the describe operation.


      Currently, wildcards are not supported in filters.

      The following actions can be filtered:

      • DescribeDBClusterBacktracks

      • DescribeDBClusterEndpoints

      • DescribeDBClusters

      • DescribeDBInstances

      • DescribeDBRecommendations

      • DescribeDBShardGroups

      • DescribePendingMaintenanceActions

      • Name (string) – [REQUIRED]

        The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.

      • Values (list) – [REQUIRED]

        One or more filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive.

        • (string) –

  • Marker (string) – An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribePendingMaintenanceActions request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to a number of records specified by MaxRecords.

  • MaxRecords (integer) –

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'PendingMaintenanceActions': [
            'ResourceIdentifier': 'string',
            'PendingMaintenanceActionDetails': [
                    'Action': 'string',
                    'AutoAppliedAfterDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'ForcedApplyDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'OptInStatus': 'string',
                    'CurrentApplyDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'Description': 'string'
    'Marker': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Data returned from the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions action.

    • PendingMaintenanceActions (list) –

      A list of the pending maintenance actions for the resource.

      • (dict) –

        Describes the pending maintenance actions for a resource.

        • ResourceIdentifier (string) –

          The ARN of the resource that has pending maintenance actions.

        • PendingMaintenanceActionDetails (list) –

          A list that provides details about the pending maintenance actions for the resource.

          • (dict) –

            Provides information about a pending maintenance action for a resource.

            • Action (string) –

              The type of pending maintenance action that is available for the resource.

              For more information about maintenance actions, see Maintaining a DB instance.

              Valid Values: `` system-update | db-upgrade | hardware-maintenance | ca-certificate-rotation``

            • AutoAppliedAfterDate (datetime) –

              The date of the maintenance window when the action is applied. The maintenance action is applied to the resource during its first maintenance window after this date.

            • ForcedApplyDate (datetime) –

              The date when the maintenance action is automatically applied.

              On this date, the maintenance action is applied to the resource as soon as possible, regardless of the maintenance window for the resource. There might be a delay of one or more days from this date before the maintenance action is applied.

            • OptInStatus (string) –

              Indicates the type of opt-in request that has been received for the resource.

            • CurrentApplyDate (datetime) –

              The effective date when the pending maintenance action is applied to the resource. This date takes into account opt-in requests received from the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction API, the AutoAppliedAfterDate, and the ForcedApplyDate. This value is blank if an opt-in request has not been received and nothing has been specified as AutoAppliedAfterDate or ForcedApplyDate.

            • Description (string) –

              A description providing more detail about the maintenance action.

    • Marker (string) –

      An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribePendingMaintenanceActions request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to a number of records specified by MaxRecords.


  • RDS.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundFault


This example lists information for all pending maintenance actions for the specified DB instance.

response = client.describe_pending_maintenance_actions(


Expected Output:

    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',