CognitoIdentityProvider / Client / update_auth_event_feedback



Provides the feedback for an authentication event, whether it was from a valid user or not. This feedback is used for improving the risk evaluation decision for the user pool as part of Amazon Cognito advanced security.


Amazon Cognito doesn’t evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can’t use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can’t grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_auth_event_feedback(
  • UserPoolId (string) –


    The user pool ID.

  • Username (string) –


    The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user’s username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn’t an alias attribute in your user pool, you can also use their sub in this request.

  • EventId (string) –


    The event ID.

  • FeedbackToken (string) –


    The feedback token.

  • FeedbackValue (string) –


    The authentication event feedback value. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of valid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you trust a user session where Amazon Cognito has evaluated some level of risk. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of invalid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you don’t trust a user session, or you don’t believe that Amazon Cognito evaluated a high-enough risk level.

Return type:



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) –


  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserNotFoundException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserPoolAddOnNotEnabledException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InternalErrorException