B2BI / Client / update_transformer



Updates the specified parameters for a transformer. A transformer describes how to process the incoming EDI documents and extract the necessary information to the output file.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_transformer(
        'x12Details': {
            'transactionSet': 'X12_110'|'X12_180'|'X12_204'|'X12_210'|'X12_211'|'X12_214'|'X12_215'|'X12_259'|'X12_260'|'X12_266'|'X12_269'|'X12_270'|'X12_271'|'X12_274'|'X12_275'|'X12_276'|'X12_277'|'X12_278'|'X12_310'|'X12_315'|'X12_322'|'X12_404'|'X12_410'|'X12_417'|'X12_421'|'X12_426'|'X12_810'|'X12_820'|'X12_824'|'X12_830'|'X12_832'|'X12_834'|'X12_835'|'X12_837'|'X12_844'|'X12_846'|'X12_849'|'X12_850'|'X12_852'|'X12_855'|'X12_856'|'X12_860'|'X12_861'|'X12_864'|'X12_865'|'X12_869'|'X12_870'|'X12_940'|'X12_945'|'X12_990'|'X12_997'|'X12_999',
            'version': 'VERSION_4010'|'VERSION_4030'|'VERSION_5010'
  • transformerId (string) –


    Specifies the system-assigned unique identifier for the transformer.

  • name (string) – Specify a new name for the transformer, if you want to update it.

  • fileFormat (string) – Specifies that the currently supported file formats for EDI transformations are JSON and XML.

  • mappingTemplate (string) – Specifies the name of the mapping template for the transformer. This template is used to convert the input document into the correct set of objects.

  • status (string) – Specifies the transformer’s status. You can update the state of the transformer, from active to inactive, or inactive to active.

  • ediType (dict) –

    Specifies the details for the EDI standard that is being used for the transformer. Currently, only X12 is supported. X12 is a set of standards and corresponding messages that define specific business documents.


    This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: x12Details.

    • x12Details (dict) –

      Returns the details for the EDI standard that is being used for the transformer. Currently, only X12 is supported. X12 is a set of standards and corresponding messages that define specific business documents.

      • transactionSet (string) –

        Returns an enumerated type where each value identifies an X12 transaction set. Transaction sets are maintained by the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.

      • version (string) –

        Returns the version to use for the specified X12 transaction set. </p>

  • sampleDocument (string) – Specifies a sample EDI document that is used by a transformer as a guide for processing the EDI data.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'transformerId': 'string',
    'transformerArn': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'fileFormat': 'XML'|'JSON',
    'mappingTemplate': 'string',
    'status': 'active'|'inactive',
    'ediType': {
        'x12Details': {
            'transactionSet': 'X12_110'|'X12_180'|'X12_204'|'X12_210'|'X12_211'|'X12_214'|'X12_215'|'X12_259'|'X12_260'|'X12_266'|'X12_269'|'X12_270'|'X12_271'|'X12_274'|'X12_275'|'X12_276'|'X12_277'|'X12_278'|'X12_310'|'X12_315'|'X12_322'|'X12_404'|'X12_410'|'X12_417'|'X12_421'|'X12_426'|'X12_810'|'X12_820'|'X12_824'|'X12_830'|'X12_832'|'X12_834'|'X12_835'|'X12_837'|'X12_844'|'X12_846'|'X12_849'|'X12_850'|'X12_852'|'X12_855'|'X12_856'|'X12_860'|'X12_861'|'X12_864'|'X12_865'|'X12_869'|'X12_870'|'X12_940'|'X12_945'|'X12_990'|'X12_997'|'X12_999',
            'version': 'VERSION_4010'|'VERSION_4030'|'VERSION_5010'
    'sampleDocument': 'string',
    'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • transformerId (string) –

      Returns the system-assigned unique identifier for the transformer.

    • transformerArn (string) –

      Returns an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a specific Amazon Web Services resource, such as a capability, partnership, profile, or transformer.

    • name (string) –

      Returns the name of the transformer.

    • fileFormat (string) –

      Returns that the currently supported file formats for EDI transformations are JSON and XML.

    • mappingTemplate (string) –

      Returns the name of the mapping template for the transformer. This template is used to convert the input document into the correct set of objects.

    • status (string) –

      Returns the state of the newly created transformer. The transformer can be either active or inactive. For the transformer to be used in a capability, its status must active.

    • ediType (dict) –

      Returns the details for the EDI standard that is being used for the transformer. Currently, only X12 is supported. X12 is a set of standards and corresponding messages that define specific business documents.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: x12Details. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

      'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
      • x12Details (dict) –

        Returns the details for the EDI standard that is being used for the transformer. Currently, only X12 is supported. X12 is a set of standards and corresponding messages that define specific business documents.

        • transactionSet (string) –

          Returns an enumerated type where each value identifies an X12 transaction set. Transaction sets are maintained by the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.

        • version (string) –

          Returns the version to use for the specified X12 transaction set. </p>

    • sampleDocument (string) –

      Returns a sample EDI document that is used by a transformer as a guide for processing the EDI data.

    • createdAt (datetime) –

      Returns a timestamp for creation date and time of the transformer.

    • modifiedAt (datetime) –

      Returns a timestamp for last time the transformer was modified.


  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.ConflictException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.ServiceQuotaExceededException

  • B2BI.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException