DataZone / Client / get_data_source



Gets an Amazon DataZone data source.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_data_source(
  • domainIdentifier (string) –


    The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.

  • identifier (string) –


    The ID of the Amazon DataZone data source.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'assetFormsOutput': [
            'content': 'string',
            'formName': 'string',
            'typeName': 'string',
            'typeRevision': 'string'
    'configuration': {
        'glueRunConfiguration': {
            'accountId': 'string',
            'dataAccessRole': 'string',
            'region': 'string',
            'relationalFilterConfigurations': [
                    'databaseName': 'string',
                    'filterExpressions': [
                            'expression': 'string',
                            'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE'
                    'schemaName': 'string'
        'redshiftRunConfiguration': {
            'accountId': 'string',
            'dataAccessRole': 'string',
            'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': {
                'secretManagerArn': 'string'
            'redshiftStorage': {
                'redshiftClusterSource': {
                    'clusterName': 'string'
                'redshiftServerlessSource': {
                    'workgroupName': 'string'
            'region': 'string',
            'relationalFilterConfigurations': [
                    'databaseName': 'string',
                    'filterExpressions': [
                            'expression': 'string',
                            'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE'
                    'schemaName': 'string'
    'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'description': 'string',
    'domainId': 'string',
    'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED',
    'environmentId': 'string',
    'errorMessage': {
        'errorDetail': 'string',
    'id': 'string',
    'lastRunAssetCount': 123,
    'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastRunErrorMessage': {
        'errorDetail': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'projectId': 'string',
    'publishOnImport': True|False,
    'recommendation': {
        'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False
    'schedule': {
        'schedule': 'string',
    'type': 'string',
    'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • assetFormsOutput (list) –

      The metadata forms attached to the assets created by this data source.

      • (dict) –

        The details of a metadata form.

        • content (string) –

          The content of the metadata form.

        • formName (string) –

          The name of the metadata form.

        • typeName (string) –

          The name of the metadata form type.

        • typeRevision (string) –

          The revision of the metadata form type.

    • configuration (dict) –

      The configuration of the data source.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: glueRunConfiguration, redshiftRunConfiguration. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

      'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
      • glueRunConfiguration (dict) –

        The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.

        • accountId (string) –

          The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.

        • dataAccessRole (string) –

          The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.

        • region (string) –

          The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.

        • relationalFilterConfigurations (list) –

          The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.

          • (dict) –

            The relational filter configuration for the data source.

            • databaseName (string) –

              The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

            • filterExpressions (list) –

              The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

              • (dict) –

                A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.

                • expression (string) –

                  The search filter expression.

                • type (string) –

                  The search filter explresison type.

            • schemaName (string) –

              The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

      • redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) –

        The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.

        • accountId (string) –

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.

        • dataAccessRole (string) –

          The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.

        • redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) –

          The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.

          • secretManagerArn (string) –

            The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.

        • redshiftStorage (dict) –

          The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.


          This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: redshiftClusterSource, redshiftServerlessSource. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

          'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
          • redshiftClusterSource (dict) –

            The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.

            • clusterName (string) –

              The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.

          • redshiftServerlessSource (dict) –

            The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.

            • workgroupName (string) –

              The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.

        • region (string) –

          The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.

        • relationalFilterConfigurations (list) –

          The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.

          • (dict) –

            The relational filter configuration for the data source.

            • databaseName (string) –

              The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

            • filterExpressions (list) –

              The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

              • (dict) –

                A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.

                • expression (string) –

                  The search filter expression.

                • type (string) –

                  The search filter explresison type.

            • schemaName (string) –

              The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.

    • createdAt (datetime) –

      The timestamp of when the data source was created.

    • description (string) –

      The description of the data source.

    • domainId (string) –

      The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.

    • enableSetting (string) –

      Specifies whether this data source is enabled or not.

    • environmentId (string) –

      The ID of the environment where this data source creates and publishes assets,

    • errorMessage (dict) –

      Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

      • errorDetail (string) –

        The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

      • errorType (string) –

        The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

    • id (string) –

      The ID of the data source.

    • lastRunAssetCount (integer) –

      The number of assets created by the data source during its last run.

    • lastRunAt (datetime) –

      The timestamp of the last run of the data source.

    • lastRunErrorMessage (dict) –

      Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

      • errorDetail (string) –

        The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

      • errorType (string) –

        The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.

    • lastRunStatus (string) –

      The status of the last run of the data source.

    • name (string) –

      The name of the data source.

    • projectId (string) –

      The ID of the project where the data source creates and publishes assets.

    • publishOnImport (boolean) –

      Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.

    • recommendation (dict) –

      The recommendation configuration of the data source.

      • enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) –

        Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.

    • schedule (dict) –

      The schedule of the data source runs.

      • schedule (string) –

        The schedule of the data source runs.

      • timezone (string) –

        The timezone of the data source run.

    • status (string) –

      The status of the data source.

    • type (string) –

      The type of the data source.

    • updatedAt (datetime) –

      The timestamp of when the data source was updated.


  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.ServiceQuotaExceededException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.ConflictException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

  • DataZone.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException