Backup / Client / create_logically_air_gapped_backup_vault



Creates a logical container to where backups may be copied.

This request includes a name, the Region, the maximum number of retention days, the minimum number of retention days, and optionally can include tags and a creator request ID.


Do not include sensitive data, such as passport numbers, in the name of a backup vault.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_logically_air_gapped_backup_vault(
        'string': 'string'
  • BackupVaultName (string) –


    The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Logically air-gapped backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created.

  • BackupVaultTags (dict) –

    The tags to assign to the vault.

    • (string) –

      • (string) –

  • CreatorRequestId (string) –

    The ID of the creation request.

    This parameter is optional. If used, this parameter must contain 1 to 50 alphanumeric or ‘-_.’ characters.

  • MinRetentionDays (integer) –


    This setting specifies the minimum retention period that the vault retains its recovery points.

    The minimum value accepted is 7 days.

  • MaxRetentionDays (integer) –


    The maximum retention period that the vault retains its recovery points.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'BackupVaultName': 'string',
    'BackupVaultArn': 'string',
    'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • BackupVaultName (string) –

      The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Logically air-gapped backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created.

    • BackupVaultArn (string) –

      The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the vault.

    • CreationDate (datetime) –

      The date and time when the vault was created.

      This value is in Unix format, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.

    • VaultState (string) –

      The current state of the vault.


  • Backup.Client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException

  • Backup.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException

  • Backup.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException

  • Backup.Client.exceptions.MissingParameterValueException

  • Backup.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException

  • Backup.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException