DeadlineCloud / Client / batch_get_job_entity



Get batched job details for a worker.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.batch_get_job_entity(
            'jobDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string'
            'jobAttachmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string'
            'stepDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'stepId': 'string'
            'environmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'environmentId': 'string'
  • farmId (string) –


    The farm ID of the worker that’s fetching job details. The worker must have an assignment on a job to fetch job details.

  • fleetId (string) –


    The fleet ID of the worker that’s fetching job details. The worker must have an assignment on a job to fetch job details.

  • workerId (string) –


    The worker ID of the worker containing the job details to get.

  • identifiers (list) –


    The job identifiers to include within the job entity batch details.

    • (dict) –

      The details of a job entity identifier.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: jobDetails, jobAttachmentDetails, stepDetails, environmentDetails.

      • jobDetails (dict) –

        The job details.

        • jobId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The job ID.

      • jobAttachmentDetails (dict) –

        The job attachment details.

        • jobId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The job ID.

      • stepDetails (dict) –

        The step details.

        • jobId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The job ID.

        • stepId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The step ID.

      • environmentDetails (dict) –

        The environment details.

        • jobId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The job ID.

        • environmentId (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The environment ID.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'entities': [
            'jobDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'jobAttachmentSettings': {
                    's3BucketName': 'string',
                    'rootPrefix': 'string'
                'jobRunAsUser': {
                    'posix': {
                        'user': 'string',
                        'group': 'string'
                    'windows': {
                        'user': 'string',
                        'passwordArn': 'string'
                    'runAs': 'QUEUE_CONFIGURED_USER'|'WORKER_AGENT_USER'
                'logGroupName': 'string',
                'queueRoleArn': 'string',
                'parameters': {
                    'string': {
                        'int': 'string',
                        'float': 'string',
                        'string': 'string',
                        'path': 'string'
                'schemaVersion': 'string',
                'pathMappingRules': [
                        'sourcePathFormat': 'windows'|'posix',
                        'sourcePath': 'string',
                        'destinationPath': 'string'
            'jobAttachmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'attachments': {
                    'manifests': [
                            'fileSystemLocationName': 'string',
                            'rootPath': 'string',
                            'rootPathFormat': 'windows'|'posix',
                            'outputRelativeDirectories': [
                            'inputManifestPath': 'string',
                            'inputManifestHash': 'string'
                    'fileSystem': 'COPIED'|'VIRTUAL'
            'stepDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'stepId': 'string',
                'schemaVersion': 'string',
                'template': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None,
                'dependencies': [
            'environmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'environmentId': 'string',
                'schemaVersion': 'string',
                'template': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
    'errors': [
            'jobDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'code': 'AccessDeniedException'|'InternalServerException'|'ValidationException'|'ResourceNotFoundException'|'MaxPayloadSizeExceeded'|'ConflictException',
                'message': 'string'
            'jobAttachmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'code': 'AccessDeniedException'|'InternalServerException'|'ValidationException'|'ResourceNotFoundException'|'MaxPayloadSizeExceeded'|'ConflictException',
                'message': 'string'
            'stepDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'stepId': 'string',
                'code': 'AccessDeniedException'|'InternalServerException'|'ValidationException'|'ResourceNotFoundException'|'MaxPayloadSizeExceeded'|'ConflictException',
                'message': 'string'
            'environmentDetails': {
                'jobId': 'string',
                'environmentId': 'string',
                'code': 'AccessDeniedException'|'InternalServerException'|'ValidationException'|'ResourceNotFoundException'|'MaxPayloadSizeExceeded'|'ConflictException',
                'message': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • entities (list) –

      A list of the job entities, or details, in the batch.

      • (dict) –

        The details of a job entity.


        This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: jobDetails, jobAttachmentDetails, stepDetails, environmentDetails. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

        'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
        • jobDetails (dict) –

          The job details.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • jobAttachmentSettings (dict) –

            The job attachment settings.

            • s3BucketName (string) –

              The Amazon S3 bucket name.

            • rootPrefix (string) –

              The root prefix.

          • jobRunAsUser (dict) –

            The user name and group that the job uses when run.

            • posix (dict) –

              The user and group that the jobs in the queue run as.

              • user (string) –

                The name of the POSIX user.

              • group (string) –

                The name of the POSIX user’s group.

            • windows (dict) –

              Identifies a Microsoft Windows user.

              • user (string) –

                The user.

              • passwordArn (string) –

                The password ARN for the Windows user.

            • runAs (string) –

              Specifies whether the job should run using the queue’s system user or if the job should run using the worker agent system user.

          • logGroupName (string) –

            The log group name.

          • queueRoleArn (string) –

            The queue role ARN.

          • parameters (dict) –

            The parameters.

            • (string) –

              • (dict) –

                The details of job parameters.


                This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: int, float, string, path. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

                'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
                • int (string) –

                  A signed integer represented as a string.

                • float (string) –

                  A double precision IEEE-754 floating point number represented as a string.

                • string (string) –

                  A UTF-8 string.

                • path (string) –

                  A file system path represented as a string.

          • schemaVersion (string) –

            The schema version.

          • pathMappingRules (list) –

            The path mapping rules.

            • (dict) –

              The details of a source and destination path.

              • sourcePathFormat (string) –

                The source path format.

              • sourcePath (string) –

                The source path.

              • destinationPath (string) –

                The destination path.

        • jobAttachmentDetails (dict) –

          The job attachment details.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • attachments (dict) –

            The job attachments.

            • manifests (list) –

              A list of manifests which describe job attachment configurations.

              • (dict) –

                The details of the manifest that links a job’s source information.

                • fileSystemLocationName (string) –

                  The file system location name.

                • rootPath (string) –

                  The file’s root path.

                • rootPathFormat (string) –

                  The format of the root path.

                • outputRelativeDirectories (list) –

                  The file path relative to the directory.

                  • (string) –

                • inputManifestPath (string) –

                  The file path.

                • inputManifestHash (string) –

                  The has value of the file.

            • fileSystem (string) –

              The file system.

        • stepDetails (dict) –

          The step details.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • stepId (string) –

            The step ID.

          • schemaVersion (string) –

            The schema version for a step template.

          • template (document) –

            The template for a step.

          • dependencies (list) –

            The dependencies for a step.

            • (string) –

        • environmentDetails (dict) –

          The environment details for the job entity.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • environmentId (string) –

            The environment ID.

          • schemaVersion (string) –

            The schema version in the environment.

          • template (document) –

            The template used for the environment.

    • errors (list) –

      A list of errors from the job error logs for the batch.

      • (dict) –

        The error for the job entity.


        This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: jobDetails, jobAttachmentDetails, stepDetails, environmentDetails. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

        'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
        • jobDetails (dict) –

          The job details for the failed job entity.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • code (string) –

            The error code.

          • message (string) –

            The error message detailing the error’s cause.

        • jobAttachmentDetails (dict) –

          The job attachment details for the failed job entity.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • code (string) –

            The error code.

          • message (string) –

            The error message detailing the error’s cause.

        • stepDetails (dict) –

          The step details for the failed job entity.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • stepId (string) –

            The step ID.

          • code (string) –

            The error code.

          • message (string) –

            The error message detailing the error’s cause.

        • environmentDetails (dict) –

          The environment details for the failed job entity.

          • jobId (string) –

            The job ID.

          • environmentId (string) –

            The environment ID.

          • code (string) –

            The error code.

          • message (string) –

            The error message detailing the error’s cause.


  • DeadlineCloud.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • DeadlineCloud.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • DeadlineCloud.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • DeadlineCloud.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • DeadlineCloud.Client.exceptions.ValidationException