MediaLive / Client / describe_multiplex_program



Get the details for a program in a multiplex.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_multiplex_program(
  • MultiplexId (string) – [REQUIRED] The ID of the multiplex that the program belongs to.

  • ProgramName (string) – [REQUIRED] The name of the program.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'ChannelId': 'string',
    'MultiplexProgramSettings': {
        'PreferredChannelPipeline': 'CURRENTLY_ACTIVE'|'PIPELINE_0'|'PIPELINE_1',
        'ProgramNumber': 123,
        'ServiceDescriptor': {
            'ProviderName': 'string',
            'ServiceName': 'string'
        'VideoSettings': {
            'ConstantBitrate': 123,
            'StatmuxSettings': {
                'MaximumBitrate': 123,
                'MinimumBitrate': 123,
                'Priority': 123
    'PacketIdentifiersMap': {
        'AudioPids': [
        'DvbSubPids': [
        'DvbTeletextPid': 123,
        'EtvPlatformPid': 123,
        'EtvSignalPid': 123,
        'KlvDataPids': [
        'PcrPid': 123,
        'PmtPid': 123,
        'PrivateMetadataPid': 123,
        'Scte27Pids': [
        'Scte35Pid': 123,
        'TimedMetadataPid': 123,
        'VideoPid': 123,
        'AribCaptionsPid': 123,
        'DvbTeletextPids': [
        'EcmPid': 123,
        'Smpte2038Pid': 123
    'PipelineDetails': [
            'ActiveChannelPipeline': 'string',
            'PipelineId': 'string'
    'ProgramName': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) – The details of one program.

    • ChannelId (string) – The MediaLive channel associated with the program.

    • MultiplexProgramSettings (dict) – The settings for this multiplex program.

      • PreferredChannelPipeline (string) – Indicates which pipeline is preferred by the multiplex for program ingest.

      • ProgramNumber (integer) – Unique program number.

      • ServiceDescriptor (dict) – Transport stream service descriptor configuration for the Multiplex program.

        • ProviderName (string) – Name of the provider.

        • ServiceName (string) – Name of the service.

      • VideoSettings (dict) – Program video settings configuration.

        • ConstantBitrate (integer) – The constant bitrate configuration for the video encode. When this field is defined, StatmuxSettings must be undefined.

        • StatmuxSettings (dict) – Statmux rate control settings. When this field is defined, ConstantBitrate must be undefined.

          • MaximumBitrate (integer) – Maximum statmux bitrate.

          • MinimumBitrate (integer) – Minimum statmux bitrate.

          • Priority (integer) – The purpose of the priority is to use a combination of thenmultiplex rate control algorithm and the QVBR capability of thenencoder to prioritize the video quality of some channels in anmultiplex over others. Channels that have a higher priority willnget higher video quality at the expense of the video quality ofnother channels in the multiplex with lower priority.

    • PacketIdentifiersMap (dict) – The packet identifier map for this multiplex program.

      • AudioPids (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__integer

        • (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • DvbSubPids (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__integer

        • (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • DvbTeletextPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • EtvPlatformPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • EtvSignalPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • KlvDataPids (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__integer

        • (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • PcrPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • PmtPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • PrivateMetadataPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • Scte27Pids (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__integer

        • (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • Scte35Pid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • TimedMetadataPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • VideoPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • AribCaptionsPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • DvbTeletextPids (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__integer

        • (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • EcmPid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

      • Smpte2038Pid (integer) – Placeholder documentation for __integer

    • PipelineDetails (list) – Contains information about the current sources for the specified program in the specified multiplex. Keep in mind that each multiplex pipeline connects to both pipelines in a given source channel (the channel identified by the program). But only one of those channel pipelines is ever active at one time.

      • (dict) – The current source for one of the pipelines in the multiplex.

        • ActiveChannelPipeline (string) – Identifies the channel pipeline that is currently active for the pipeline (identified by PipelineId) in the multiplex.

        • PipelineId (string) – Identifies a specific pipeline in the multiplex.

    • ProgramName (string) – The name of the multiplex program.


  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadGatewayException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.GatewayTimeoutException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException