Omics / Client / get_read_set_metadata



Gets details about a read set.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_read_set_metadata(
  • id (string) –


    The read set’s ID.

  • sequenceStoreId (string) –


    The read set’s sequence store ID.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'id': 'string',
    'arn': 'string',
    'sequenceStoreId': 'string',
    'subjectId': 'string',
    'sampleId': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'fileType': 'FASTQ'|'BAM'|'CRAM'|'UBAM',
    'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'sequenceInformation': {
        'totalReadCount': 123,
        'totalBaseCount': 123,
        'generatedFrom': 'string',
        'alignment': 'string'
    'referenceArn': 'string',
    'files': {
        'source1': {
            'totalParts': 123,
            'partSize': 123,
            'contentLength': 123,
            's3Access': {
                's3Uri': 'string'
        'source2': {
            'totalParts': 123,
            'partSize': 123,
            'contentLength': 123,
            's3Access': {
                's3Uri': 'string'
        'index': {
            'totalParts': 123,
            'partSize': 123,
            'contentLength': 123,
            's3Access': {
                's3Uri': 'string'
    'statusMessage': 'string',
    'creationType': 'IMPORT'|'UPLOAD',
    'etag': {
        'algorithm': 'FASTQ_MD5up'|'BAM_MD5up'|'CRAM_MD5up'|'FASTQ_SHA256up'|'BAM_SHA256up'|'CRAM_SHA256up'|'FASTQ_SHA512up'|'BAM_SHA512up'|'CRAM_SHA512up',
        'source1': 'string',
        'source2': 'string'
    'creationJobId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • id (string) –

      The read set’s ID.

    • arn (string) –

      The read set’s ARN.

    • sequenceStoreId (string) –

      The read set’s sequence store ID.

    • subjectId (string) –

      The read set’s subject ID.

    • sampleId (string) –

      The read set’s sample ID.

    • status (string) –

      The read set’s status.

    • name (string) –

      The read set’s name.

    • description (string) –

      The read set’s description.

    • fileType (string) –

      The read set’s file type.

    • creationTime (datetime) –

      When the read set was created.

    • sequenceInformation (dict) –

      The read set’s sequence information.

      • totalReadCount (integer) –

        The sequence’s total read count.

      • totalBaseCount (integer) –

        The sequence’s total base count.

      • generatedFrom (string) –

        Where the sequence originated.

      • alignment (string) –

        The sequence’s alignment setting.

    • referenceArn (string) –

      The read set’s genome reference ARN.

    • files (dict) –

      The read set’s files.

      • source1 (dict) –

        The location of the first file in Amazon S3.

        • totalParts (integer) –

          The file’s total parts.

        • partSize (integer) –

          The file’s part size.

        • contentLength (integer) –

          The file’s content length.

        • s3Access (dict) –

          The S3 URI metadata of a sequence store.

          • s3Uri (string) –

            The S3 URI for each read set file.

      • source2 (dict) –

        The location of the second file in Amazon S3.

        • totalParts (integer) –

          The file’s total parts.

        • partSize (integer) –

          The file’s part size.

        • contentLength (integer) –

          The file’s content length.

        • s3Access (dict) –

          The S3 URI metadata of a sequence store.

          • s3Uri (string) –

            The S3 URI for each read set file.

      • index (dict) –

        The files’ index.

        • totalParts (integer) –

          The file’s total parts.

        • partSize (integer) –

          The file’s part size.

        • contentLength (integer) –

          The file’s content length.

        • s3Access (dict) –

          The S3 URI metadata of a sequence store.

          • s3Uri (string) –

            The S3 URI for each read set file.

    • statusMessage (string) –

      The status message for a read set. It provides more detail as to why the read set has a status.

    • creationType (string) –

      The creation type of the read set.

    • etag (dict) –

      The entity tag (ETag) is a hash of the object meant to represent its semantic content.

      • algorithm (string) –

        The algorithm used to calculate the read set’s ETag(s).

      • source1 (string) –

        The ETag hash calculated on Source1 of the read set.

      • source2 (string) –

        The ETag hash calculated on Source2 of the read set.

    • creationJobId (string) –

      The read set’s creation job ID.


  • Omics.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException

  • Omics.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • Omics.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

  • Omics.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • Omics.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • Omics.Client.exceptions.RequestTimeoutException