Connect / Client / describe_instance



This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns the current state of the specified instance identifier. It tracks the instance while it is being created and returns an error status, if applicable.

If an instance is not created successfully, the instance status reason field returns details relevant to the reason. The instance in a failed state is returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_instance(

InstanceId (string) –


The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Instance': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Arn': 'string',
        'IdentityManagementType': 'SAML'|'CONNECT_MANAGED'|'EXISTING_DIRECTORY',
        'InstanceAlias': 'string',
        'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceRole': 'string',
        'StatusReason': {
            'Message': 'string'
        'InboundCallsEnabled': True|False,
        'OutboundCallsEnabled': True|False,
        'InstanceAccessUrl': 'string',
        'Tags': {
            'string': 'string'
    'ReplicationConfiguration': {
        'ReplicationStatusSummaryList': [
                'Region': 'string',
                'ReplicationStatusReason': 'string'
        'SourceRegion': 'string',
        'GlobalSignInEndpoint': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Instance (dict) –

      The name of the instance.

      • Id (string) –

        The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

      • Arn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

      • IdentityManagementType (string) –

        The identity management type.

      • InstanceAlias (string) –

        The alias of instance.

      • CreatedTime (datetime) –

        When the instance was created.

      • ServiceRole (string) –

        The service role of the instance.

      • InstanceStatus (string) –

        The state of the instance.

      • StatusReason (dict) –

        Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.

        • Message (string) –

          The message.

      • InboundCallsEnabled (boolean) –

        Whether inbound calls are enabled.

      • OutboundCallsEnabled (boolean) –

        Whether outbound calls are enabled.

      • InstanceAccessUrl (string) –

        This URL allows contact center users to access the Amazon Connect admin website.

      • Tags (dict) –

        The tags of an instance.

        • (string) –

          • (string) –

    • ReplicationConfiguration (dict) –

      Status information about the replication process. This field is included only when you are using the ReplicateInstance API to replicate an Amazon Connect instance across Amazon Web Services Regions. For information about replicating Amazon Connect instances, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

      • ReplicationStatusSummaryList (list) –

        A list of replication status summaries. The summaries contain details about the replication of configuration information for Amazon Connect resources, for each Amazon Web Services Region.

        • (dict) –

          Status information about the replication process, where you use the ReplicateInstance API to create a replica of your Amazon Connect instance in another Amazon Web Services Region. For more information, see Set up Amazon Connect Global Resiliency in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

          • Region (string) –

            The Amazon Web Services Region. This can be either the source or the replica Region, depending where it appears in the summary list.

          • ReplicationStatus (string) –

            The state of the replication.

          • ReplicationStatusReason (string) –

            A description of the replication status. Use this information to resolve any issues that are preventing the successful replication of your Amazon Connect instance to another Region.

      • SourceRegion (string) –

        The Amazon Web Services Region where the source Amazon Connect instance was created. This is the Region where the ReplicateInstance API was called to start the replication process.

      • GlobalSignInEndpoint (string) –

        The URL that is used to sign-in to your Amazon Connect instance according to your traffic distribution group configuration. For more information about sign-in and traffic distribution groups, see Important things to know in the Create traffic distribution groups topic in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.


  • Connect.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • Connect.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceException