ControlTower / Client / list_landing_zone_operations



Lists all landing zone operations from the past 90 days. Results are sorted by time, with the most recent operation first.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_landing_zone_operations(
        'statuses': [
        'types': [
  • filter (dict) –

    An input filter for the ListLandingZoneOperations API that lets you select the types of landing zone operations to view.

    • statuses (list) –

      The statuses of the set of landing zone operations selected by the filter.

      • (string) –

    • types (list) –

      The set of landing zone operation types selected by the filter.

      • (string) –

  • maxResults (integer) – How many results to return per API call.

  • nextToken (string) – The token to continue the list from a previous API call with the same parameters.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'landingZoneOperations': [
            'operationIdentifier': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DELETE'|'CREATE'|'UPDATE'|'RESET',
            'status': 'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'IN_PROGRESS'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • landingZoneOperations (list) –

      Lists landing zone operations.

      • (dict) –

        Returns a summary of information about a landing zone operation.

        • operationIdentifier (string) –

          The operationIdentifier of the landing zone operation.

        • operationType (string) –

          The type of the landing zone operation.

        • status (string) –

          The status of the landing zone operation.

    • nextToken (string) –

      Retrieves the next page of results. If the string is empty, the response is the end of the results.


  • ControlTower.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

  • ControlTower.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException

  • ControlTower.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • ControlTower.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException