EC2 / Paginator / GetNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisFindings


class EC2.Paginator.GetNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisFindings#
paginator = client.get_paginator('get_network_insights_access_scope_analysis_findings')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from EC2.Client.get_network_insights_access_scope_analysis_findings().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId (string) –


    The ID of the Network Access Scope analysis.

  • DryRun (boolean) – Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) –

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId': 'string',
    'AnalysisStatus': 'running'|'succeeded'|'failed',
    'AnalysisFindings': [
            'NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId': 'string',
            'NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId': 'string',
            'FindingId': 'string',
            'FindingComponents': [
                    'SequenceNumber': 123,
                    'AclRule': {
                        'Cidr': 'string',
                        'Egress': True|False,
                        'PortRange': {
                            'From': 123,
                            'To': 123
                        'Protocol': 'string',
                        'RuleAction': 'string',
                        'RuleNumber': 123
                    'AttachedTo': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'Component': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'DestinationVpc': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'OutboundHeader': {
                        'DestinationAddresses': [
                        'DestinationPortRanges': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'Protocol': 'string',
                        'SourceAddresses': [
                        'SourcePortRanges': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                    'InboundHeader': {
                        'DestinationAddresses': [
                        'DestinationPortRanges': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'Protocol': 'string',
                        'SourceAddresses': [
                        'SourcePortRanges': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                    'RouteTableRoute': {
                        'DestinationCidr': 'string',
                        'DestinationPrefixListId': 'string',
                        'EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId': 'string',
                        'GatewayId': 'string',
                        'InstanceId': 'string',
                        'NatGatewayId': 'string',
                        'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
                        'Origin': 'string',
                        'TransitGatewayId': 'string',
                        'VpcPeeringConnectionId': 'string',
                        'State': 'string',
                        'CarrierGatewayId': 'string',
                        'CoreNetworkArn': 'string',
                        'LocalGatewayId': 'string'
                    'SecurityGroupRule': {
                        'Cidr': 'string',
                        'Direction': 'string',
                        'SecurityGroupId': 'string',
                        'PortRange': {
                            'From': 123,
                            'To': 123
                        'PrefixListId': 'string',
                        'Protocol': 'string'
                    'SourceVpc': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'Subnet': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'Vpc': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'AdditionalDetails': [
                            'AdditionalDetailType': 'string',
                            'Component': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'VpcEndpointService': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'RuleOptions': [
                                    'Keyword': 'string',
                                    'Settings': [
                            'RuleGroupTypePairs': [
                                    'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                                    'RuleGroupType': 'string'
                            'RuleGroupRuleOptionsPairs': [
                                    'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                                    'RuleOptions': [
                                            'Keyword': 'string',
                                            'Settings': [
                            'ServiceName': 'string',
                            'LoadBalancers': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Arn': 'string',
                                    'Name': 'string'
                    'TransitGateway': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute': {
                        'DestinationCidr': 'string',
                        'State': 'string',
                        'RouteOrigin': 'string',
                        'PrefixListId': 'string',
                        'AttachmentId': 'string',
                        'ResourceId': 'string',
                        'ResourceType': 'string'
                    'Explanations': [
                            'Acl': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'AclRule': {
                                'Cidr': 'string',
                                'Egress': True|False,
                                'PortRange': {
                                    'From': 123,
                                    'To': 123
                                'Protocol': 'string',
                                'RuleAction': 'string',
                                'RuleNumber': 123
                            'Address': 'string',
                            'Addresses': [
                            'AttachedTo': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'AvailabilityZones': [
                            'Cidrs': [
                            'Component': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'CustomerGateway': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'Destination': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'DestinationVpc': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'Direction': 'string',
                            'ExplanationCode': 'string',
                            'IngressRouteTable': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'InternetGateway': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
                            'ClassicLoadBalancerListener': {
                                'LoadBalancerPort': 123,
                                'InstancePort': 123
                            'LoadBalancerListenerPort': 123,
                            'LoadBalancerTarget': {
                                'Address': 'string',
                                'AvailabilityZone': 'string',
                                'Instance': {
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Arn': 'string',
                                    'Name': 'string'
                                'Port': 123
                            'LoadBalancerTargetGroup': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'LoadBalancerTargetGroups': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Arn': 'string',
                                    'Name': 'string'
                            'LoadBalancerTargetPort': 123,
                            'ElasticLoadBalancerListener': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'MissingComponent': 'string',
                            'NatGateway': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'NetworkInterface': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'PacketField': 'string',
                            'VpcPeeringConnection': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'Port': 123,
                            'PortRanges': [
                                    'From': 123,
                                    'To': 123
                            'PrefixList': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'Protocols': [
                            'RouteTableRoute': {
                                'DestinationCidr': 'string',
                                'DestinationPrefixListId': 'string',
                                'EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId': 'string',
                                'GatewayId': 'string',
                                'InstanceId': 'string',
                                'NatGatewayId': 'string',
                                'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
                                'Origin': 'string',
                                'TransitGatewayId': 'string',
                                'VpcPeeringConnectionId': 'string',
                                'State': 'string',
                                'CarrierGatewayId': 'string',
                                'CoreNetworkArn': 'string',
                                'LocalGatewayId': 'string'
                            'RouteTable': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'SecurityGroup': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'SecurityGroupRule': {
                                'Cidr': 'string',
                                'Direction': 'string',
                                'SecurityGroupId': 'string',
                                'PortRange': {
                                    'From': 123,
                                    'To': 123
                                'PrefixListId': 'string',
                                'Protocol': 'string'
                            'SecurityGroups': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Arn': 'string',
                                    'Name': 'string'
                            'SourceVpc': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'State': 'string',
                            'Subnet': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'SubnetRouteTable': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'Vpc': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'VpcEndpoint': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'VpnConnection': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'VpnGateway': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'TransitGateway': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'TransitGatewayRouteTable': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute': {
                                'DestinationCidr': 'string',
                                'State': 'string',
                                'RouteOrigin': 'string',
                                'PrefixListId': 'string',
                                'AttachmentId': 'string',
                                'ResourceId': 'string',
                                'ResourceType': 'string'
                            'TransitGatewayAttachment': {
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Arn': 'string',
                                'Name': 'string'
                            'ComponentAccount': 'string',
                            'ComponentRegion': 'string',
                            'FirewallStatelessRule': {
                                'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                                'Sources': [
                                'Destinations': [
                                'SourcePorts': [
                                        'From': 123,
                                        'To': 123
                                'DestinationPorts': [
                                        'From': 123,
                                        'To': 123
                                'Protocols': [
                                'RuleAction': 'string',
                                'Priority': 123
                            'FirewallStatefulRule': {
                                'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                                'Sources': [
                                'Destinations': [
                                'SourcePorts': [
                                        'From': 123,
                                        'To': 123
                                'DestinationPorts': [
                                        'From': 123,
                                        'To': 123
                                'Protocol': 'string',
                                'RuleAction': 'string',
                                'Direction': 'string'
                    'ElasticLoadBalancerListener': {
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'Name': 'string'
                    'FirewallStatelessRule': {
                        'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                        'Sources': [
                        'Destinations': [
                        'SourcePorts': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'DestinationPorts': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'Protocols': [
                        'RuleAction': 'string',
                        'Priority': 123
                    'FirewallStatefulRule': {
                        'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
                        'Sources': [
                        'Destinations': [
                        'SourcePorts': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'DestinationPorts': [
                                'From': 123,
                                'To': 123
                        'Protocol': 'string',
                        'RuleAction': 'string',
                        'Direction': 'string'
                    'ServiceName': 'string'


Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId (string) –

      The ID of the Network Access Scope analysis.

    • AnalysisStatus (string) –

      The status of Network Access Scope Analysis.

    • AnalysisFindings (list) –

      The findings associated with Network Access Scope Analysis.

      • (dict) –

        Describes a finding for a Network Access Scope.

        • NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId (string) –

          The ID of the Network Access Scope analysis.

        • NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId (string) –

          The ID of the Network Access Scope.

        • FindingId (string) –

          The ID of the finding.

        • FindingComponents (list) –

          The finding components.

          • (dict) –

            Describes a path component.

            • SequenceNumber (integer) –

              The sequence number.

            • AclRule (dict) –

              The network ACL rule.

              • Cidr (string) –

                The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation.

              • Egress (boolean) –

                Indicates whether the rule is an outbound rule.

              • PortRange (dict) –

                The range of ports.

                • From (integer) –

                  The first port in the range.

                • To (integer) –

                  The last port in the range.

              • Protocol (string) –

                The protocol.

              • RuleAction (string) –

                Indicates whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule.

              • RuleNumber (integer) –

                The rule number.

            • AttachedTo (dict) –

              The resource to which the path component is attached.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • Component (dict) –

              The component.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • DestinationVpc (dict) –

              The destination VPC.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • OutboundHeader (dict) –

              The outbound header.

              • DestinationAddresses (list) –

                The destination addresses.

                • (string) –

              • DestinationPortRanges (list) –

                The destination port ranges.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • Protocol (string) –

                The protocol.

              • SourceAddresses (list) –

                The source addresses.

                • (string) –

              • SourcePortRanges (list) –

                The source port ranges.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

            • InboundHeader (dict) –

              The inbound header.

              • DestinationAddresses (list) –

                The destination addresses.

                • (string) –

              • DestinationPortRanges (list) –

                The destination port ranges.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • Protocol (string) –

                The protocol.

              • SourceAddresses (list) –

                The source addresses.

                • (string) –

              • SourcePortRanges (list) –

                The source port ranges.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

            • RouteTableRoute (dict) –

              The route table route.

              • DestinationCidr (string) –

                The destination IPv4 address, in CIDR notation.

              • DestinationPrefixListId (string) –

                The prefix of the Amazon Web Services service.

              • EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId (string) –

                The ID of an egress-only internet gateway.

              • GatewayId (string) –

                The ID of the gateway, such as an internet gateway or virtual private gateway.

              • InstanceId (string) –

                The ID of the instance, such as a NAT instance.

              • NatGatewayId (string) –

                The ID of a NAT gateway.

              • NetworkInterfaceId (string) –

                The ID of a network interface.

              • Origin (string) –

                Describes how the route was created. The following are the possible values:

                • CreateRouteTable - The route was automatically created when the route table was created.

                • CreateRoute - The route was manually added to the route table.

                • EnableVgwRoutePropagation - The route was propagated by route propagation.

              • TransitGatewayId (string) –

                The ID of a transit gateway.

              • VpcPeeringConnectionId (string) –

                The ID of a VPC peering connection.

              • State (string) –

                The state. The following are the possible values:

                • active

                • blackhole

              • CarrierGatewayId (string) –

                The ID of a carrier gateway.

              • CoreNetworkArn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a core network.

              • LocalGatewayId (string) –

                The ID of a local gateway.

            • SecurityGroupRule (dict) –

              The security group rule.

              • Cidr (string) –

                The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation.

              • Direction (string) –

                The direction. The following are the possible values:

                • egress

                • ingress

              • SecurityGroupId (string) –

                The security group ID.

              • PortRange (dict) –

                The port range.

                • From (integer) –

                  The first port in the range.

                • To (integer) –

                  The last port in the range.

              • PrefixListId (string) –

                The prefix list ID.

              • Protocol (string) –

                The protocol name.

            • SourceVpc (dict) –

              The source VPC.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • Subnet (dict) –

              The subnet.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • Vpc (dict) –

              The component VPC.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • AdditionalDetails (list) –

              The additional details.

              • (dict) –

                Describes an additional detail for a path analysis. For more information, see Reachability Analyzer additional detail codes.

                • AdditionalDetailType (string) –

                  The additional detail code.

                • Component (dict) –

                  The path component.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • VpcEndpointService (dict) –

                  The VPC endpoint service.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • RuleOptions (list) –

                  The rule options.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes additional settings for a stateful rule.

                    • Keyword (string) –

                      The Suricata keyword.

                    • Settings (list) –

                      The settings for the keyword.

                      • (string) –

                • RuleGroupTypePairs (list) –

                  The rule group type.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes the type of a stateful rule group.

                    • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                      The ARN of the rule group.

                    • RuleGroupType (string) –

                      The rule group type. The possible values are Domain List and Suricata.

                • RuleGroupRuleOptionsPairs (list) –

                  The rule options.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes the rule options for a stateful rule group.

                    • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                      The ARN of the rule group.

                    • RuleOptions (list) –

                      The rule options.

                      • (dict) –

                        Describes additional settings for a stateful rule.

                        • Keyword (string) –

                          The Suricata keyword.

                        • Settings (list) –

                          The settings for the keyword.

                          • (string) –

                • ServiceName (string) –

                  The name of the VPC endpoint service.

                • LoadBalancers (list) –

                  The load balancers.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes a path component.

                    • Id (string) –

                      The ID of the component.

                    • Arn (string) –

                      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                    • Name (string) –

                      The name of the analysis component.

            • TransitGateway (dict) –

              The transit gateway.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute (dict) –

              The route in a transit gateway route table.

              • DestinationCidr (string) –

                The CIDR block used for destination matches.

              • State (string) –

                The state of the route.

              • RouteOrigin (string) –

                The route origin. The following are the possible values:

                • static

                • propagated

              • PrefixListId (string) –

                The ID of the prefix list.

              • AttachmentId (string) –

                The ID of the route attachment.

              • ResourceId (string) –

                The ID of the resource for the route attachment.

              • ResourceType (string) –

                The resource type for the route attachment.

            • Explanations (list) –

              The explanation codes.

              • (dict) –

                Describes an explanation code for an unreachable path. For more information, see Reachability Analyzer explanation codes.

                • Acl (dict) –

                  The network ACL.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • AclRule (dict) –

                  The network ACL rule.

                  • Cidr (string) –

                    The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation.

                  • Egress (boolean) –

                    Indicates whether the rule is an outbound rule.

                  • PortRange (dict) –

                    The range of ports.

                    • From (integer) –

                      The first port in the range.

                    • To (integer) –

                      The last port in the range.

                  • Protocol (string) –

                    The protocol.

                  • RuleAction (string) –

                    Indicates whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule.

                  • RuleNumber (integer) –

                    The rule number.

                • Address (string) –

                  The IPv4 address, in CIDR notation.

                • Addresses (list) –

                  The IPv4 addresses, in CIDR notation.

                  • (string) –

                • AttachedTo (dict) –

                  The resource to which the component is attached.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • AvailabilityZones (list) –

                  The Availability Zones.

                  • (string) –

                • Cidrs (list) –

                  The CIDR ranges.

                  • (string) –

                • Component (dict) –

                  The component.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • CustomerGateway (dict) –

                  The customer gateway.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • Destination (dict) –

                  The destination.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • DestinationVpc (dict) –

                  The destination VPC.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • Direction (string) –

                  The direction. The following are the possible values:

                  • egress

                  • ingress

                • ExplanationCode (string) –

                  The explanation code.

                • IngressRouteTable (dict) –

                  The route table.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • InternetGateway (dict) –

                  The internet gateway.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • LoadBalancerArn (string) –

                  The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.

                • ClassicLoadBalancerListener (dict) –

                  The listener for a Classic Load Balancer.

                  • LoadBalancerPort (integer) –

                    The port on which the load balancer is listening.

                  • InstancePort (integer) –

                    [Classic Load Balancers] The back-end port for the listener.

                • LoadBalancerListenerPort (integer) –

                  The listener port of the load balancer.

                • LoadBalancerTarget (dict) –

                  The target.

                  • Address (string) –

                    The IP address.

                  • AvailabilityZone (string) –

                    The Availability Zone.

                  • Instance (dict) –

                    Information about the instance.

                    • Id (string) –

                      The ID of the component.

                    • Arn (string) –

                      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                    • Name (string) –

                      The name of the analysis component.

                  • Port (integer) –

                    The port on which the target is listening.

                • LoadBalancerTargetGroup (dict) –

                  The target group.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • LoadBalancerTargetGroups (list) –

                  The target groups.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes a path component.

                    • Id (string) –

                      The ID of the component.

                    • Arn (string) –

                      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                    • Name (string) –

                      The name of the analysis component.

                • LoadBalancerTargetPort (integer) –

                  The target port.

                • ElasticLoadBalancerListener (dict) –

                  The load balancer listener.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • MissingComponent (string) –

                  The missing component.

                • NatGateway (dict) –

                  The NAT gateway.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • NetworkInterface (dict) –

                  The network interface.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • PacketField (string) –

                  The packet field.

                • VpcPeeringConnection (dict) –

                  The VPC peering connection.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • Port (integer) –

                  The port.

                • PortRanges (list) –

                  The port ranges.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes a range of ports.

                    • From (integer) –

                      The first port in the range.

                    • To (integer) –

                      The last port in the range.

                • PrefixList (dict) –

                  The prefix list.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • Protocols (list) –

                  The protocols.

                  • (string) –

                • RouteTableRoute (dict) –

                  The route table route.

                  • DestinationCidr (string) –

                    The destination IPv4 address, in CIDR notation.

                  • DestinationPrefixListId (string) –

                    The prefix of the Amazon Web Services service.

                  • EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of an egress-only internet gateway.

                  • GatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of the gateway, such as an internet gateway or virtual private gateway.

                  • InstanceId (string) –

                    The ID of the instance, such as a NAT instance.

                  • NatGatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of a NAT gateway.

                  • NetworkInterfaceId (string) –

                    The ID of a network interface.

                  • Origin (string) –

                    Describes how the route was created. The following are the possible values:

                    • CreateRouteTable - The route was automatically created when the route table was created.

                    • CreateRoute - The route was manually added to the route table.

                    • EnableVgwRoutePropagation - The route was propagated by route propagation.

                  • TransitGatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of a transit gateway.

                  • VpcPeeringConnectionId (string) –

                    The ID of a VPC peering connection.

                  • State (string) –

                    The state. The following are the possible values:

                    • active

                    • blackhole

                  • CarrierGatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of a carrier gateway.

                  • CoreNetworkArn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a core network.

                  • LocalGatewayId (string) –

                    The ID of a local gateway.

                • RouteTable (dict) –

                  The route table.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • SecurityGroup (dict) –

                  The security group.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • SecurityGroupRule (dict) –

                  The security group rule.

                  • Cidr (string) –

                    The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation.

                  • Direction (string) –

                    The direction. The following are the possible values:

                    • egress

                    • ingress

                  • SecurityGroupId (string) –

                    The security group ID.

                  • PortRange (dict) –

                    The port range.

                    • From (integer) –

                      The first port in the range.

                    • To (integer) –

                      The last port in the range.

                  • PrefixListId (string) –

                    The prefix list ID.

                  • Protocol (string) –

                    The protocol name.

                • SecurityGroups (list) –

                  The security groups.

                  • (dict) –

                    Describes a path component.

                    • Id (string) –

                      The ID of the component.

                    • Arn (string) –

                      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                    • Name (string) –

                      The name of the analysis component.

                • SourceVpc (dict) –

                  The source VPC.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • State (string) –

                  The state.

                • Subnet (dict) –

                  The subnet.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • SubnetRouteTable (dict) –

                  The route table for the subnet.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • Vpc (dict) –

                  The component VPC.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • VpcEndpoint (dict) –

                  The VPC endpoint.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • VpnConnection (dict) –

                  The VPN connection.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • VpnGateway (dict) –

                  The VPN gateway.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • TransitGateway (dict) –

                  The transit gateway.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • TransitGatewayRouteTable (dict) –

                  The transit gateway route table.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute (dict) –

                  The transit gateway route table route.

                  • DestinationCidr (string) –

                    The CIDR block used for destination matches.

                  • State (string) –

                    The state of the route.

                  • RouteOrigin (string) –

                    The route origin. The following are the possible values:

                    • static

                    • propagated

                  • PrefixListId (string) –

                    The ID of the prefix list.

                  • AttachmentId (string) –

                    The ID of the route attachment.

                  • ResourceId (string) –

                    The ID of the resource for the route attachment.

                  • ResourceType (string) –

                    The resource type for the route attachment.

                • TransitGatewayAttachment (dict) –

                  The transit gateway attachment.

                  • Id (string) –

                    The ID of the component.

                  • Arn (string) –

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

                  • Name (string) –

                    The name of the analysis component.

                • ComponentAccount (string) –

                  The Amazon Web Services account for the component.

                • ComponentRegion (string) –

                  The Region for the component.

                • FirewallStatelessRule (dict) –

                  The Network Firewall stateless rule.

                  • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                    The ARN of the stateless rule group.

                  • Sources (list) –

                    The source IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                    • (string) –

                  • Destinations (list) –

                    The destination IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                    • (string) –

                  • SourcePorts (list) –

                    The source ports.

                    • (dict) –

                      Describes a range of ports.

                      • From (integer) –

                        The first port in the range.

                      • To (integer) –

                        The last port in the range.

                  • DestinationPorts (list) –

                    The destination ports.

                    • (dict) –

                      Describes a range of ports.

                      • From (integer) –

                        The first port in the range.

                      • To (integer) –

                        The last port in the range.

                  • Protocols (list) –

                    The protocols.

                    • (integer) –

                  • RuleAction (string) –

                    The rule action. The possible values are pass, drop, and forward_to_site.

                  • Priority (integer) –

                    The rule priority.

                • FirewallStatefulRule (dict) –

                  The Network Firewall stateful rule.

                  • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                    The ARN of the stateful rule group.

                  • Sources (list) –

                    The source IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                    • (string) –

                  • Destinations (list) –

                    The destination IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                    • (string) –

                  • SourcePorts (list) –

                    The source ports.

                    • (dict) –

                      Describes a range of ports.

                      • From (integer) –

                        The first port in the range.

                      • To (integer) –

                        The last port in the range.

                  • DestinationPorts (list) –

                    The destination ports.

                    • (dict) –

                      Describes a range of ports.

                      • From (integer) –

                        The first port in the range.

                      • To (integer) –

                        The last port in the range.

                  • Protocol (string) –

                    The protocol.

                  • RuleAction (string) –

                    The rule action. The possible values are pass, drop, and alert.

                  • Direction (string) –

                    The direction. The possible values are FORWARD and ANY.

            • ElasticLoadBalancerListener (dict) –

              The load balancer listener.

              • Id (string) –

                The ID of the component.

              • Arn (string) –

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of the analysis component.

            • FirewallStatelessRule (dict) –

              The Network Firewall stateless rule.

              • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                The ARN of the stateless rule group.

              • Sources (list) –

                The source IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                • (string) –

              • Destinations (list) –

                The destination IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                • (string) –

              • SourcePorts (list) –

                The source ports.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • DestinationPorts (list) –

                The destination ports.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • Protocols (list) –

                The protocols.

                • (integer) –

              • RuleAction (string) –

                The rule action. The possible values are pass, drop, and forward_to_site.

              • Priority (integer) –

                The rule priority.

            • FirewallStatefulRule (dict) –

              The Network Firewall stateful rule.

              • RuleGroupArn (string) –

                The ARN of the stateful rule group.

              • Sources (list) –

                The source IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                • (string) –

              • Destinations (list) –

                The destination IP addresses, in CIDR notation.

                • (string) –

              • SourcePorts (list) –

                The source ports.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • DestinationPorts (list) –

                The destination ports.

                • (dict) –

                  Describes a range of ports.

                  • From (integer) –

                    The first port in the range.

                  • To (integer) –

                    The last port in the range.

              • Protocol (string) –

                The protocol.

              • RuleAction (string) –

                The rule action. The possible values are pass, drop, and alert.

              • Direction (string) –

                The direction. The possible values are FORWARD and ANY.

            • ServiceName (string) –

              The name of the VPC endpoint service.