ivsrealtime / Paginator / ListIngestConfigurations


class ivsrealtime.Paginator.ListIngestConfigurations#
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_ingest_configurations')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from ivsrealtime.Client.list_ingest_configurations().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • filterByStageArn (string) – Filters the response list to match the specified stage ARN. Only one filter (by stage ARN or by state) can be used at a time.

  • filterByState (string) – Filters the response list to match the specified state. Only one filter (by stage ARN or by state) can be used at a time.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) –

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'ingestConfigurations': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'ingestProtocol': 'RTMP'|'RTMPS',
            'stageArn': 'string',
            'participantId': 'string',
            'state': 'ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE',
            'userId': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • ingestConfigurations (list) –

      List of the matching ingest configurations (summary information only).

      • (dict) –

        Summary information about an IngestConfiguration.

        • name (string) –

          Ingest name.

        • arn (string) –

          Ingest configuration ARN.

        • ingestProtocol (string) –

          Type of ingest protocol that the user employs for broadcasting.

        • stageArn (string) –

          ARN of the stage with which the IngestConfiguration is associated.

        • participantId (string) –

          ID of the participant within the stage.

        • state (string) –

          State of the ingest configuration. It is ACTIVE if a publisher currently is publishing to the stage associated with the ingest configuration.

        • userId (string) –

          Customer-assigned name to help identify the participant using the IngestConfiguration; this can be used to link a participant to a user in the customer’s own systems. This can be any UTF-8 encoded text. This field is exposed to all stage participants and should not be used for personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information.

    • NextToken (string) –

      A token to resume pagination.