Kafka / Client / get_bootstrap_brokers



A list of brokers that a client application can use to bootstrap. This list doesn’t necessarily include all of the brokers in the cluster. The following Python 3.6 example shows how you can use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a cluster to get its bootstrap brokers. If you don’t know the ARN of your cluster, you can use the ListClusters operation to get the ARNs of all the clusters in this account and Region.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_bootstrap_brokers(

ClusterArn (string) –


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'BootstrapBrokerString': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringTls': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringSaslScram': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringPublicTls': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringPublicSaslScram': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringPublicSaslIam': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivityTls': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivitySaslScram': 'string',
    'BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivitySaslIam': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Successful response.

    • BootstrapBrokerString (string) –

      A string containing one or more hostname:port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringTls (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and TLS port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringSaslScram (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and Sasl Scram port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam (string) –

      A string that contains one or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL IAM port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringPublicTls (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and TLS port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringPublicSaslScram (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and Sasl Scram port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringPublicSaslIam (string) –

      A string that contains one or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL IAM port pairs.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivityTls (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and TLS port pairs for VPC connectivity.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivitySaslScram (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and SASL/SCRAM port pairs for VPC connectivity.

    • BootstrapBrokerStringVpcConnectivitySaslIam (string) –

      A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and SASL/IAM port pairs for VPC connectivity.


  • Kafka.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • Kafka.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException

  • Kafka.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • Kafka.Client.exceptions.ConflictException

  • Kafka.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException