MediaLive / Client / create_cluster



Create a new Cluster.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_cluster(
        'DefaultRoute': 'string',
        'InterfaceMappings': [
                'LogicalInterfaceName': 'string',
                'NetworkId': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
  • ClusterType (string) – Specify a type. All the Nodes that you later add to this Cluster must be this type of hardware. One Cluster instance can’t contain different hardware types. You won’t be able to change this parameter after you create the Cluster.

  • InstanceRoleArn (string) – The ARN of the IAM role for the Node in this Cluster. The role must include all the operations that you expect these Node to perform. If necessary, create a role in IAM, then attach it here.

  • Name (string) – Specify a name that is unique in the AWS account. We recommend that you assign a name that hints at the types of Nodes in the Cluster. Names are case-sensitive.

  • NetworkSettings (dict) –

    Network settings that connect the Nodes in the Cluster to one or more of the Networks that the Cluster is associated with.

    • DefaultRoute (string) – Specify one network interface as the default route for traffic to and from the Node. MediaLive Anywhere uses this default when the destination for the traffic isn’t covered by the route table for any of the networks. Specify the value of the appropriate logicalInterfaceName parameter that you create in the interfaceMappings.

    • InterfaceMappings (list) – An array of interfaceMapping objects for this Cluster. You must create a mapping for node interfaces that you plan to use for encoding traffic. You typically don’t create a mapping for the management interface. You define this mapping in the Cluster so that the mapping can be used by all the Nodes. Each mapping logically connects one interface on the nodes with one Network. Each mapping consists of a pair of parameters. The logicalInterfaceName parameter creates a logical name for the Node interface that handles a specific type of traffic. For example, my-Inputs-Interface. The networkID parameter refers to the ID of the network. When you create the Nodes in this Cluster, you will associate the logicalInterfaceName with the appropriate physical interface.

      • (dict) – Used in ClusterNetworkSettingsCreateRequest.

        • LogicalInterfaceName (string) – The logical name for one interface (on every Node) that handles a specific type of traffic. We recommend that the name hints at the physical interface it applies to. For example, it could refer to the traffic that the physical interface handles. For example, my-Inputs-Interface.

        • NetworkId (string) – The ID of the network that you want to connect to the specified logicalInterfaceName.

  • RequestId (string) – The unique ID of the request.This field is autopopulated if not provided.

  • Tags (dict) –

    A collection of key-value pairs.

    • (string) – Placeholder documentation for __string

      • (string) – Placeholder documentation for __string

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'ChannelIds': [
    'ClusterType': 'ON_PREMISES',
    'Id': 'string',
    'InstanceRoleArn': 'string',
    'Name': 'string',
    'NetworkSettings': {
        'DefaultRoute': 'string',
        'InterfaceMappings': [
                'LogicalInterfaceName': 'string',
                'NetworkId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) – Creation of the Cluster is in progress.

    • Arn (string) – The ARN of this Cluster. It is automatically assigned when the Cluster is created.

    • ChannelIds (list) – Placeholder documentation for __listOf__string

      • (string) – Placeholder documentation for __string

    • ClusterType (string) – The hardware type for the Cluster

    • Id (string) – The ID of the Cluster. Unique in the AWS account. The ID is the resource-id portion of the ARN.

    • InstanceRoleArn (string) – The ARN of the IAM role for the Node in this Cluster. Any Nodes that are associated with this Cluster assume this role. The role gives permissions to the operations that you expect these Node to perform.

    • Name (string) – The name that you specified for the Cluster.

    • NetworkSettings (dict) – Network settings that connect the Nodes in the Cluster to one or more of the Networks that the Cluster is associated with.

      • DefaultRoute (string) – The network interface that is the default route for traffic to and from the node. MediaLive Anywhere uses this default when the destination for the traffic isn’t covered by the route table for any of the networks. Specify the value of the appropriate logicalInterfaceName parameter that you create in the interfaceMappings.

      • InterfaceMappings (list) – An array of interfaceMapping objects for this Cluster. Each mapping logically connects one interface on the nodes with one Network. You need only one mapping for each interface because all the Nodes share the mapping.

        • (dict) – Used in ClusterNetworkSettings

          • LogicalInterfaceName (string) – The logical name for one interface (on every Node) that handles a specific type of traffic. We recommend that the name hints at the physical interface it applies to. For example, it could refer to the traffic that the physical interface handles. For example, my-Inputs-Interface.

          • NetworkId (string) – The ID of the network that you want to connect to the specified logicalInterfaceName.

    • State (string) – The current state of the Cluster.


  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadGatewayException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.GatewayTimeoutException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.ConflictException