MediaLive / Client / describe_offering



Get details for an offering.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_offering(

OfferingId (string) – [REQUIRED] Unique offering ID, e.g. ‘87654321’

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'CurrencyCode': 'string',
    'Duration': 123,
    'DurationUnits': 'MONTHS',
    'FixedPrice': 123.0,
    'OfferingDescription': 'string',
    'OfferingId': 'string',
    'OfferingType': 'NO_UPFRONT',
    'Region': 'string',
    'ResourceSpecification': {
        'ChannelClass': 'STANDARD'|'SINGLE_PIPELINE',
        'Codec': 'MPEG2'|'AVC'|'HEVC'|'AUDIO'|'LINK'|'AV1',
        'MaximumBitrate': 'MAX_10_MBPS'|'MAX_20_MBPS'|'MAX_50_MBPS',
        'MaximumFramerate': 'MAX_30_FPS'|'MAX_60_FPS',
        'Resolution': 'SD'|'HD'|'FHD'|'UHD',
        'ResourceType': 'INPUT'|'OUTPUT'|'MULTIPLEX'|'CHANNEL',
        'VideoQuality': 'STANDARD'|'ENHANCED'|'PREMIUM'
    'UsagePrice': 123.0

Response Structure

  • (dict) – Offering details

    • Arn (string) – Unique offering ARN, e.g. ‘arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:123456789012:offering:87654321’

    • CurrencyCode (string) – Currency code for usagePrice and fixedPrice in ISO-4217 format, e.g. ‘USD’

    • Duration (integer) – Lease duration, e.g. ‘12’

    • DurationUnits (string) – Units for duration, e.g. ‘MONTHS’

    • FixedPrice (float) – One-time charge for each reserved resource, e.g. ‘0.0’ for a NO_UPFRONT offering

    • OfferingDescription (string) – Offering description, e.g. ‘HD AVC output at 10-20 Mbps, 30 fps, and standard VQ in US West (Oregon)’

    • OfferingId (string) – Unique offering ID, e.g. ‘87654321’

    • OfferingType (string) – Offering type, e.g. ‘NO_UPFRONT’

    • Region (string) – AWS region, e.g. ‘us-west-2’

    • ResourceSpecification (dict) – Resource configuration details

      • ChannelClass (string) – Channel class, e.g. ‘STANDARD’

      • Codec (string) – Codec, e.g. ‘AVC’

      • MaximumBitrate (string) – Maximum bitrate, e.g. ‘MAX_20_MBPS’

      • MaximumFramerate (string) – Maximum framerate, e.g. ‘MAX_30_FPS’ (Outputs only)

      • Resolution (string) – Resolution, e.g. ‘HD’

      • ResourceType (string) – Resource type, ‘INPUT’, ‘OUTPUT’, ‘MULTIPLEX’, or ‘CHANNEL’

      • SpecialFeature (string) – Special feature, e.g. ‘AUDIO_NORMALIZATION’ (Channels only)

      • VideoQuality (string) – Video quality, e.g. ‘STANDARD’ (Outputs only)

    • UsagePrice (float) – Recurring usage charge for each reserved resource, e.g. ‘157.0’


  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.BadGatewayException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.GatewayTimeoutException

  • MediaLive.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException