SecurityHub / Client / list_security_control_definitions



Lists all of the security controls that apply to a specified standard.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_security_control_definitions(
  • StandardsArn (string) – The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the standard that you want to view controls for.

  • NextToken (string) – Optional pagination parameter.

  • MaxResults (integer) – An optional parameter that limits the total results of the API response to the specified number. If this parameter isn’t provided in the request, the results include the first 25 security controls that apply to the specified standard. The results also include a NextToken parameter that you can use in a subsequent API call to get the next 25 controls. This repeats until all controls for the standard are returned.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'SecurityControlDefinitions': [
            'SecurityControlId': 'string',
            'Title': 'string',
            'Description': 'string',
            'RemediationUrl': 'string',
            'SeverityRating': 'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH'|'CRITICAL',
            'CurrentRegionAvailability': 'AVAILABLE'|'UNAVAILABLE',
            'CustomizableProperties': [
            'ParameterDefinitions': {
                'string': {
                    'Description': 'string',
                    'ConfigurationOptions': {
                        'Integer': {
                            'DefaultValue': 123,
                            'Min': 123,
                            'Max': 123
                        'IntegerList': {
                            'DefaultValue': [
                            'Min': 123,
                            'Max': 123,
                            'MaxItems': 123
                        'Double': {
                            'DefaultValue': 123.0,
                            'Min': 123.0,
                            'Max': 123.0
                        'String': {
                            'DefaultValue': 'string',
                            'Re2Expression': 'string',
                            'ExpressionDescription': 'string'
                        'StringList': {
                            'DefaultValue': [
                            'Re2Expression': 'string',
                            'MaxItems': 123,
                            'ExpressionDescription': 'string'
                        'Boolean': {
                            'DefaultValue': True|False
                        'Enum': {
                            'DefaultValue': 'string',
                            'AllowedValues': [
                        'EnumList': {
                            'DefaultValue': [
                            'MaxItems': 123,
                            'AllowedValues': [
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • SecurityControlDefinitions (list) –

      An array of controls that apply to the specified standard.

      • (dict) –

        Provides metadata for a security control, including its unique standard-agnostic identifier, title, description, severity, availability in Amazon Web Services Regions, and a link to remediation steps.

        • SecurityControlId (string) –

          The unique identifier of a security control across standards. Values for this field typically consist of an Amazon Web Servicesservice name and a number (for example, APIGateway.3). This parameter differs from SecurityControlArn, which is a unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to a control. The ARN references the security control ID (for example, arn:aws:securityhub:eu-central-1:123456789012:security-control/APIGateway.3).

        • Title (string) –

          The title of a security control.

        • Description (string) –

          The description of a security control across standards. This typically summarizes how Security Hub evaluates the control and the conditions under which it produces a failed finding. This parameter doesn’t reference a specific standard.

        • RemediationUrl (string) –

          A link to Security Hub documentation that explains how to remediate a failed finding for a security control.

        • SeverityRating (string) –

          The severity of a security control. For more information about how Security Hub determines control severity, see Assigning severity to control findings in the Security Hub User Guide.

        • CurrentRegionAvailability (string) –

          Specifies whether a security control is available in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

        • CustomizableProperties (list) –

          Security control properties that you can customize. Currently, only parameter customization is supported for select controls. An empty array is returned for controls that don’t support custom properties.

          • (string) –

        • ParameterDefinitions (dict) –

          An object that provides a security control parameter name, description, and the options for customizing it. This object is excluded for a control that doesn’t support custom parameters.

          • (string) –

            • (dict) –

              An object that describes a security control parameter and the options for customizing it.

              • Description (string) –

                Description of a control parameter.

              • ConfigurationOptions (dict) –

                The options for customizing a control parameter. Customization options vary based on the data type of the parameter.


                This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: Integer, IntegerList, Double, String, StringList, Boolean, Enum, EnumList. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

                'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
                • Integer (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is an integer.

                  • DefaultValue (integer) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is an integer.

                  • Min (integer) –

                    The minimum valid value for a control parameter that is an integer.

                  • Max (integer) –

                    The maximum valid value for a control parameter that is an integer.

                • IntegerList (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a list of integers.

                  • DefaultValue (list) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is a list of integers.

                    • (integer) –

                  • Min (integer) –

                    The minimum valid value for a control parameter that is a list of integers.

                  • Max (integer) –

                    The maximum valid value for a control parameter that is a list of integers.

                  • MaxItems (integer) –

                    The maximum number of list items that an interger list control parameter can accept.

                • Double (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a double.

                  • DefaultValue (float) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is a double.

                  • Min (float) –

                    The minimum valid value for a control parameter that is a double.

                  • Max (float) –

                    The maximum valid value for a control parameter that is a double.

                • String (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a string data type.

                  • DefaultValue (string) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is a string.

                  • Re2Expression (string) –

                    An RE2 regular expression that Security Hub uses to validate a user-provided control parameter string.

                  • ExpressionDescription (string) –

                    The description of the RE2 regular expression.

                • StringList (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a list of strings.

                  • DefaultValue (list) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is a list of strings.

                    • (string) –

                  • Re2Expression (string) –

                    An RE2 regular expression that Security Hub uses to validate a user-provided list of strings for a control parameter.

                  • MaxItems (integer) –

                    The maximum number of list items that a string list control parameter can accept.

                  • ExpressionDescription (string) –

                    The description of the RE2 regular expression.

                • Boolean (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a boolean. For a boolean parameter, the options are true and false.

                  • DefaultValue (boolean) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a boolean parameter.

                • Enum (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is an enum.

                  • DefaultValue (string) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is an enum.

                  • AllowedValues (list) –

                    The valid values for a control parameter that is an enum.

                    • (string) –

                • EnumList (dict) –

                  The options for customizing a security control parameter that is a list of enums.

                  • DefaultValue (list) –

                    The Security Hub default value for a control parameter that is a list of enums.

                    • (string) –

                  • MaxItems (integer) –

                    The maximum number of list items that an enum list control parameter can accept.

                  • AllowedValues (list) –

                    The valid values for a control parameter that is a list of enums.

                    • (string) –

    • NextToken (string) –

      A pagination parameter that’s included in the response only if it was included in the request.


  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InternalException

  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InvalidInputException

  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InvalidAccessException

  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException