

Returns the number of events of each event type (issue, scheduled change, and account notification). If no filter is specified, the counts of all events in each category are returned.


This API operation uses pagination. Specify the nextToken parameter in the next request to return more results.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_event_aggregates(
        'eventArns': [
        'eventTypeCodes': [
        'services': [
        'regions': [
        'availabilityZones': [
        'startTimes': [
                'from': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'to': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'endTimes': [
                'from': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'to': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'lastUpdatedTimes': [
                'from': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'to': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'entityArns': [
        'entityValues': [
        'eventTypeCategories': [
        'tags': [
                'string': 'string'
        'eventStatusCodes': [
  • filter (dict) --

    Values to narrow the results returned.

    • eventArns (list) --

      A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/EC2/EC2_INSTANCE_RETIREMENT_SCHEDULED/EC2_INSTANCE_RETIREMENT_SCHEDULED_ABC123-CDE456", "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/EBS/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_CHI789_JKL101"

      • (string) --
    • eventTypeCodes (list) --

      A list of unique identifiers for event types. For example, "AWS_EC2_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_EVENT","AWS_RDS_MAINTENANCE_SCHEDULED".

      • (string) --
    • services (list) --

      The Amazon Web Services services associated with the event. For example, EC2 , RDS .

      • (string) --
    • regions (list) --

      A list of Amazon Web Services Regions.

      • (string) --
    • availabilityZones (list) --

      A list of Amazon Web Services Availability Zones.

      • (string) --
    • startTimes (list) --

      A list of dates and times that the event began.

      • (dict) --

        A range of dates and times that is used by the EventFilter and EntityFilter objects. If from is set and to is set: match items where the timestamp ( startTime , endTime , or lastUpdatedTime ) is between from and to inclusive. If from is set and to is not set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or after from . If from is not set and to is set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or before to .

        • from (datetime) --

          The starting date and time of a time range.

        • to (datetime) --

          The ending date and time of a time range.

    • endTimes (list) --

      A list of dates and times that the event ended.

      • (dict) --

        A range of dates and times that is used by the EventFilter and EntityFilter objects. If from is set and to is set: match items where the timestamp ( startTime , endTime , or lastUpdatedTime ) is between from and to inclusive. If from is set and to is not set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or after from . If from is not set and to is set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or before to .

        • from (datetime) --

          The starting date and time of a time range.

        • to (datetime) --

          The ending date and time of a time range.

    • lastUpdatedTimes (list) --

      A list of dates and times that the event was last updated.

      • (dict) --

        A range of dates and times that is used by the EventFilter and EntityFilter objects. If from is set and to is set: match items where the timestamp ( startTime , endTime , or lastUpdatedTime ) is between from and to inclusive. If from is set and to is not set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or after from . If from is not set and to is set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or before to .

        • from (datetime) --

          The starting date and time of a time range.

        • to (datetime) --

          The ending date and time of a time range.

    • entityArns (list) --

      A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).

      • (string) --
    • entityValues (list) --

      A list of entity identifiers, such as EC2 instance IDs ( i-34ab692e ) or EBS volumes ( vol-426ab23e ).

      • (string) --
    • eventTypeCategories (list) --

      A list of event type category codes. Possible values are issue , accountNotification , or scheduledChange . Currently, the investigation value isn't supported at this time.

      • (string) --
    • tags (list) --

      A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.


      Currently, the tags property isn't supported.

      • (dict) --
        • (string) --
          • (string) --
    • eventStatusCodes (list) --

      A list of event status codes.

      • (string) --
  • aggregateField (string) --


    The only currently supported value is eventTypeCategory .

  • maxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
  • nextToken (string) -- If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned, and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'eventAggregates': [
            'aggregateValue': 'string',
            'count': 123
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • eventAggregates (list) --

      The number of events in each category that meet the optional filter criteria.

      • (dict) --

        The number of events of each issue type. Returned by the DescribeEventAggregates operation.

        • aggregateValue (string) --

          The issue type for the associated count.

        • count (integer) --

          The number of events of the associated issue type.

    • nextToken (string) --

      If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned, and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.


  • Health.Client.exceptions.InvalidPaginationToken