

Lists the exports for a bot, bot locale, or custom vocabulary. Exports are kept in the list for 7 days.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_exports(
        'attribute': 'LastUpdatedDateTime',
        'order': 'Ascending'|'Descending'
            'name': 'ExportResourceType',
            'values': [
            'operator': 'CO'|'EQ'
  • botId (string) -- The unique identifier that Amazon Lex assigned to the bot.
  • botVersion (string) -- The version of the bot to list exports for.
  • sortBy (dict) --

    Determines the field that the list of exports is sorted by. You can sort by the LastUpdatedDateTime field in ascending or descending order.

    • attribute (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The export field to use for sorting.

    • order (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The order to sort the list.

  • filters (list) --

    Provides the specification of a filter used to limit the exports in the response to only those that match the filter specification. You can only specify one filter and one string to filter on.

    • (dict) --

      Filters the response form the ListExports operation

      • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the field to use for filtering.

      • values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        The values to use to filter the response. The values must be Bot , BotLocale , or CustomVocabulary .

        • (string) --
      • operator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The operator to use for the filter. Specify EQ when the ListExports operation should return only resource types that equal the specified value. Specify CO when the ListExports operation should return resource types that contain the specified value.

  • maxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of exports to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the max page size, only the actual number of results are returned.
  • nextToken (string) --

    If the response from the ListExports operation contains more results that specified in the maxResults parameter, a token is returned in the response.

    Use the returned token in the nextToken parameter of a ListExports request to return the next page of results. For a complete set of results, call the ListExports operation until the nextToken returned in the response is null.

  • localeId (string) -- Specifies the resources that should be exported. If you don't specify a resource type in the filters parameter, both bot locales and custom vocabularies are exported.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'exportSummaries': [
            'exportId': 'string',
            'resourceSpecification': {
                'botExportSpecification': {
                    'botId': 'string',
                    'botVersion': 'string'
                'botLocaleExportSpecification': {
                    'botId': 'string',
                    'botVersion': 'string',
                    'localeId': 'string'
                'customVocabularyExportSpecification': {
                    'botId': 'string',
                    'botVersion': 'string',
                    'localeId': 'string'
            'fileFormat': 'LexJson'|'TSV',
            'exportStatus': 'InProgress'|'Completed'|'Failed'|'Deleting',
            'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'nextToken': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The unique identifier assigned to the bot by Amazon Lex.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot that was exported.

    • exportSummaries (list) --

      Summary information for the exports that meet the filter criteria specified in the request. The length of the list is specified in the maxResults parameter. If there are more exports available, the nextToken field contains a token to get the next page of results.

      • (dict) --

        Provides summary information about an export in an export list.

        • exportId (string) --

          The unique identifier that Amazon Lex assigned to the export.

        • resourceSpecification (dict) --

          Information about the bot or bot locale that was exported.

          • botExportSpecification (dict) --

            Parameters for exporting a bot.

            • botId (string) --

              The identifier of the bot assigned by Amazon Lex.

            • botVersion (string) --

              The version of the bot that was exported. This will be either DRAFT or the version number.

          • botLocaleExportSpecification (dict) --

            Parameters for exporting a bot locale.

            • botId (string) --

              The identifier of the bot to create the locale for.

            • botVersion (string) --

              The version of the bot to export.

            • localeId (string) --

              The identifier of the language and locale to export. The string must match one of the locales in the bot.

          • customVocabularyExportSpecification (dict) --

            The parameters required to export a custom vocabulary.

            • botId (string) --

              The identifier of the bot that contains the custom vocabulary to export.

            • botVersion (string) --

              The version of the bot that contains the custom vocabulary to export.

            • localeId (string) --

              The locale of the bot that contains the custom vocabulary to export.

        • fileFormat (string) --

          The file format used in the export files.

        • exportStatus (string) --

          The status of the export. When the status is Completed the export is ready to download.

        • creationDateTime (datetime) --

          The date and time that the export was created.

        • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

          The date and time that the export was last updated.

    • nextToken (string) --

      A token that indicates whether there are more results to return in a response to the ListExports operation. If the nextToken field is present, you send the contents as the nextToken parameter of a ListExports operation request to get the next page of results.

    • localeId (string) --

      The locale specified in the request.


  • LexModelsV2.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • LexModelsV2.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • LexModelsV2.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException