AppRunner / Client / list_services



Returns a list of running App Runner services in your Amazon Web Services account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_services(
  • NextToken (string) –

    A token from a previous result page. Used for a paginated request. The request retrieves the next result page. All other parameter values must be identical to the ones specified in the initial request.

    If you don’t specify NextToken , the request retrieves the first result page.

  • MaxResults (integer) –

    The maximum number of results to include in each response (result page). It’s used for a paginated request.

    If you don’t specify MaxResults , the request retrieves all available results in a single response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'ServiceSummaryList': [
            'ServiceName': 'string',
            'ServiceId': 'string',
            'ServiceArn': 'string',
            'ServiceUrl': 'string',
            'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • ServiceSummaryList (list) –

      A list of service summary information records. In a paginated request, the request returns up to MaxResults records for each call.

      • (dict) –

        Provides summary information for an App Runner service.

        This type contains limited information about a service. It doesn’t include configuration details. It’s returned by the ListServices action. Complete service information is returned by the CreateService, DescribeService, and DeleteService actions using the Service type.

        • ServiceName (string) –

          The customer-provided service name.

        • ServiceId (string) –

          An ID that App Runner generated for this service. It’s unique within the Amazon Web Services Region.

        • ServiceArn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this service.

        • ServiceUrl (string) –

          A subdomain URL that App Runner generated for this service. You can use this URL to access your service web application.

        • CreatedAt (datetime) –

          The time when the App Runner service was created. It’s in the Unix time stamp format.

        • UpdatedAt (datetime) –

          The time when the App Runner service was last updated. It’s in theUnix time stamp format.

        • Status (string) –

          The current state of the App Runner service. These particular values mean the following.

          • CREATE_FAILED – The service failed to create. Read the failure events and logs, change any parameters that need to be fixed, and retry the call to create the service. The failed service isn’t usable, and still counts towards your service quota. When you’re done analyzing the failure, delete the service.

          • DELETE_FAILED – The service failed to delete and can’t be successfully recovered. Retry the service deletion call to ensure that all related resources are removed.

    • NextToken (string) –

      The token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next result page. It’s returned in a paginated request.


  • AppRunner.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException

  • AppRunner.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceErrorException