EventBridge / Paginator / ListRules


class EventBridge.Paginator.ListRules#
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_rules')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from EventBridge.Client.list_rules().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • NamePrefix (string) – The prefix matching the rule name.

  • EventBusName (string) – The name or ARN of the event bus to list the rules for. If you omit this, the default event bus is used.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) –

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Rules': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'EventPattern': 'string',
            'State': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED',
            'Description': 'string',
            'ScheduleExpression': 'string',
            'RoleArn': 'string',
            'ManagedBy': 'string',
            'EventBusName': 'string'


Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Rules (list) –

      The rules that match the specified criteria.

      • (dict) –

        Contains information about a rule in Amazon EventBridge.

        • Name (string) –

          The name of the rule.

        • Arn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rule.

        • EventPattern (string) –

          The event pattern of the rule. For more information, see Events and Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .

        • State (string) –

          The state of the rule.

        • Description (string) –

          The description of the rule.

        • ScheduleExpression (string) –

          The scheduling expression. For example, “cron(0 20 * * ? *)”, “rate(5 minutes)”. For more information, see Creating an Amazon EventBridge rule that runs on a schedule.

        • RoleArn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that is used for target invocation.

          If you’re setting an event bus in another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a RoleArn with proper permissions in the Target structure, instead of here in this parameter.

        • ManagedBy (string) –

          If the rule was created on behalf of your account by an Amazon Web Services service, this field displays the principal name of the service that created the rule.

        • EventBusName (string) –

          The name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule. If you omit this, the default event bus is used.