- class CloudDirectory.Client#
A low-level client representing Amazon CloudDirectory
Amazon Cloud Directory is a component of the AWS Directory Service that simplifies the development and management of cloud-scale web, mobile, and IoT applications. This guide describes the Cloud Directory operations that you can call programmatically and includes detailed information on data types and errors. For information about Cloud Directory features, see AWS Directory Service and the Amazon Cloud Directory Developer Guide.
import boto3 client = boto3.client('clouddirectory')
These are the available methods:
- add_facet_to_object
- apply_schema
- attach_object
- attach_policy
- attach_to_index
- attach_typed_link
- batch_read
- batch_write
- can_paginate
- close
- create_directory
- create_facet
- create_index
- create_object
- create_schema
- create_typed_link_facet
- delete_directory
- delete_facet
- delete_object
- delete_schema
- delete_typed_link_facet
- detach_from_index
- detach_object
- detach_policy
- detach_typed_link
- disable_directory
- enable_directory
- get_applied_schema_version
- get_directory
- get_facet
- get_link_attributes
- get_object_attributes
- get_object_information
- get_paginator
- get_schema_as_json
- get_typed_link_facet_information
- get_waiter
- list_applied_schema_arns
- list_attached_indices
- list_development_schema_arns
- list_directories
- list_facet_attributes
- list_facet_names
- list_incoming_typed_links
- list_index
- list_managed_schema_arns
- list_object_attributes
- list_object_children
- list_object_parent_paths
- list_object_parents
- list_object_policies
- list_outgoing_typed_links
- list_policy_attachments
- list_published_schema_arns
- list_tags_for_resource
- list_typed_link_facet_attributes
- list_typed_link_facet_names
- lookup_policy
- publish_schema
- put_schema_from_json
- remove_facet_from_object
- tag_resource
- untag_resource
- update_facet
- update_link_attributes
- update_object_attributes
- update_schema
- update_typed_link_facet
- upgrade_applied_schema
- upgrade_published_schema
Paginators are available on a client instance via the get_paginator
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage of paginators, see the paginators user guide.
The available paginators are:
- ListAppliedSchemaArns
- ListAttachedIndices
- ListDevelopmentSchemaArns
- ListDirectories
- ListFacetAttributes
- ListFacetNames
- ListIncomingTypedLinks
- ListIndex
- ListManagedSchemaArns
- ListObjectAttributes
- ListObjectParentPaths
- ListObjectPolicies
- ListOutgoingTypedLinks
- ListPolicyAttachments
- ListPublishedSchemaArns
- ListTagsForResource
- ListTypedLinkFacetAttributes
- ListTypedLinkFacetNames
- LookupPolicy