- class WellArchitected.Client#
A low-level client representing AWS Well-Architected Tool
This is the Well-Architected Tool API Reference. The WA Tool API provides programmatic access to the Well-Architected Tool in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For information about the Well-Architected Tool, see the Well-Architected Tool User Guide.
import boto3 client = boto3.client('wellarchitected')
These are the available methods:
- associate_lenses
- associate_profiles
- can_paginate
- close
- create_lens_share
- create_lens_version
- create_milestone
- create_profile
- create_profile_share
- create_review_template
- create_template_share
- create_workload
- create_workload_share
- delete_lens
- delete_lens_share
- delete_profile
- delete_profile_share
- delete_review_template
- delete_template_share
- delete_workload
- delete_workload_share
- disassociate_lenses
- disassociate_profiles
- export_lens
- get_answer
- get_consolidated_report
- get_lens
- get_lens_review
- get_lens_review_report
- get_lens_version_difference
- get_milestone
- get_paginator
- get_profile
- get_profile_template
- get_review_template
- get_review_template_answer
- get_review_template_lens_review
- get_waiter
- get_workload
- import_lens
- list_answers
- list_check_details
- list_check_summaries
- list_lens_review_improvements
- list_lens_reviews
- list_lens_shares
- list_lenses
- list_milestones
- list_notifications
- list_profile_notifications
- list_profile_shares
- list_profiles
- list_review_template_answers
- list_review_templates
- list_share_invitations
- list_tags_for_resource
- list_template_shares
- list_workload_shares
- list_workloads
- tag_resource
- untag_resource
- update_answer
- update_global_settings
- update_lens_review
- update_profile
- update_review_template
- update_review_template_answer
- update_review_template_lens_review
- update_share_invitation
- update_workload
- update_workload_share
- upgrade_lens_review
- upgrade_profile_version
- upgrade_review_template_lens_review