APIGateway / Client / update_domain_name



Changes information about the DomainName resource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_domain_name(
            'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test',
            'path': 'string',
            'value': 'string',
            'from': 'string'
  • domainName (string) –


    The name of the DomainName resource to be changed.

  • domainNameId (string) – The identifier for the domain name resource. Supported only for private custom domain names.

  • patchOperations (list) –

    For more information about supported patch operations, see Patch Operations.

    • (dict) –

      For more information about supported patch operations, see Patch Operations.

      • op (string) –

        An update operation to be performed with this PATCH request. The valid value can be add, remove, replace or copy. Not all valid operations are supported for a given resource. Support of the operations depends on specific operational contexts. Attempts to apply an unsupported operation on a resource will return an error message..

      • path (string) –

        The op operation’s target, as identified by a JSON Pointer value that references a location within the targeted resource. For example, if the target resource has an updateable property of {“name”:”value”}, the path for this property is /name. If the name property value is a JSON object (e.g., {“name”: {“child/name”: “child-value”}}), the path for the child/name property will be /name/child~1name. Any slash (“/”) character appearing in path names must be escaped with “~1”, as shown in the example above. Each op operation can have only one path associated with it.

      • value (string) –

        The new target value of the update operation. It is applicable for the add or replace operation. When using AWS CLI to update a property of a JSON value, enclose the JSON object with a pair of single quotes in a Linux shell, e.g., ‘{“a”: …}’.

      • from (string) –

        The copy update operation’s source as identified by a JSON-Pointer value referencing the location within the targeted resource to copy the value from. For example, to promote a canary deployment, you copy the canary deployment ID to the affiliated deployment ID by calling a PATCH request on a Stage resource with “op”:”copy”, “from”:”/canarySettings/deploymentId” and “path”:”/deploymentId”.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'domainName': 'string',
    'domainNameId': 'string',
    'domainNameArn': 'string',
    'certificateName': 'string',
    'certificateArn': 'string',
    'certificateUploadDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'regionalDomainName': 'string',
    'regionalHostedZoneId': 'string',
    'regionalCertificateName': 'string',
    'regionalCertificateArn': 'string',
    'distributionDomainName': 'string',
    'distributionHostedZoneId': 'string',
    'endpointConfiguration': {
        'types': [
        'vpcEndpointIds': [
    'domainNameStatusMessage': 'string',
    'securityPolicy': 'TLS_1_0'|'TLS_1_2',
    'tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'mutualTlsAuthentication': {
        'truststoreUri': 'string',
        'truststoreVersion': 'string',
        'truststoreWarnings': [
    'ownershipVerificationCertificateArn': 'string',
    'managementPolicy': 'string',
    'policy': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Represents a custom domain name as a user-friendly host name of an API (RestApi).

    • domainName (string) –

      The custom domain name as an API host name, for example, my-api.example.com.

    • domainNameId (string) –

      The identifier for the domain name resource. Supported only for private custom domain names.

    • domainNameArn (string) –

      The ARN of the domain name. Supported only for private custom domain names.

    • certificateName (string) –

      The name of the certificate that will be used by edge-optimized endpoint or private endpoint for this domain name.

    • certificateArn (string) –

      The reference to an Amazon Web Services-managed certificate that will be used by edge-optimized endpoint or private endpoint for this domain name. Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

    • certificateUploadDate (datetime) –

      The timestamp when the certificate that was used by edge-optimized endpoint or private endpoint for this domain name was uploaded.

    • regionalDomainName (string) –

      The domain name associated with the regional endpoint for this custom domain name. You set up this association by adding a DNS record that points the custom domain name to this regional domain name. The regional domain name is returned by API Gateway when you create a regional endpoint.

    • regionalHostedZoneId (string) –

      The region-specific Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the regional endpoint. For more information, see Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name and AWS Regions and Endpoints for API Gateway.

    • regionalCertificateName (string) –

      The name of the certificate that will be used for validating the regional domain name.

    • regionalCertificateArn (string) –

      The reference to an Amazon Web Services-managed certificate that will be used for validating the regional domain name. Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

    • distributionDomainName (string) –

      The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution associated with this custom domain name for an edge-optimized endpoint. You set up this association when adding a DNS record pointing the custom domain name to this distribution name. For more information about CloudFront distributions, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.

    • distributionHostedZoneId (string) –

      The region-agnostic Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the edge-optimized endpoint. The valid value is Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 for all the regions. For more information, see Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name and AWS Regions and Endpoints for API Gateway.

    • endpointConfiguration (dict) –

      The endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.

      • types (list) –

        A list of endpoint types of an API (RestApi) or its custom domain name (DomainName). For an edge-optimized API and its custom domain name, the endpoint type is "EDGE". For a regional API and its custom domain name, the endpoint type is REGIONAL. For a private API, the endpoint type is PRIVATE.

        • (string) –

          The endpoint type. The valid values are EDGE for edge-optimized API setup, most suitable for mobile applications; REGIONAL for regional API endpoint setup, most suitable for calling from AWS Region; and PRIVATE for private APIs.

      • vpcEndpointIds (list) –

        A list of VpcEndpointIds of an API (RestApi) against which to create Route53 ALIASes. It is only supported for PRIVATE endpoint type.

        • (string) –

    • domainNameStatus (string) –

      The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.

    • domainNameStatusMessage (string) –

      An optional text message containing detailed information about status of the DomainName migration.

    • securityPolicy (string) –

      The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version + cipher suite for this DomainName. The valid values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2.

    • tags (dict) –

      The collection of tags. Each tag element is associated with a given resource.

      • (string) –

        • (string) –

    • mutualTlsAuthentication (dict) –

      The mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.

      • truststoreUri (string) –

        An Amazon S3 URL that specifies the truststore for mutual TLS authentication, for example s3://bucket-name/key-name. The truststore can contain certificates from public or private certificate authorities. To update the truststore, upload a new version to S3, and then update your custom domain name to use the new version. To update the truststore, you must have permissions to access the S3 object.

      • truststoreVersion (string) –

        The version of the S3 object that contains your truststore. To specify a version, you must have versioning enabled for the S3 bucket.

      • truststoreWarnings (list) –

        A list of warnings that API Gateway returns while processing your truststore. Invalid certificates produce warnings. Mutual TLS is still enabled, but some clients might not be able to access your API. To resolve warnings, upload a new truststore to S3, and then update you domain name to use the new version.

        • (string) –

    • ownershipVerificationCertificateArn (string) –

      The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.

    • managementPolicy (string) –

      A stringified JSON policy document that applies to the API Gateway Management service for this DomainName. This policy document controls access for access association sources to create domain name access associations with this DomainName. Supported only for private custom domain names.

    • policy (string) –

      A stringified JSON policy document that applies to the execute-api service for this DomainName regardless of the caller and Method configuration. Supported only for private custom domain names.


  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.ConflictException

  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException

  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException

  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException