CostExplorer / Client / list_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation_generation
- CostExplorer.Client.list_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation_generation(**kwargs)#
Retrieves a list of your historical recommendation generations within the past 30 days.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_savings_plans_purchase_recommendation_generation( GenerationStatus='SUCCEEDED'|'PROCESSING'|'FAILED', RecommendationIds=[ 'string', ], PageSize=123, NextPageToken='string' )
- Parameters:
GenerationStatus (string) – The status of the recommendation generation.
RecommendationIds (list) –
The IDs for each specific recommendation.
(string) –
PageSize (integer) – The number of recommendations that you want returned in a single response object.
NextPageToken (string) – The token to retrieve the next set of results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'GenerationSummaryList': [ { 'RecommendationId': 'string', 'GenerationStatus': 'SUCCEEDED'|'PROCESSING'|'FAILED', 'GenerationStartedTime': 'string', 'GenerationCompletionTime': 'string', 'EstimatedCompletionTime': 'string' }, ], 'NextPageToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
GenerationSummaryList (list) –
The list of historical recommendation generations.
(dict) –
The summary of the Savings Plans recommendation generation.
RecommendationId (string) –
Indicates the ID for this specific recommendation.
GenerationStatus (string) –
Indicates whether the recommendation generation succeeded, is processing, or failed.
GenerationStartedTime (string) –
Indicates the start time of the recommendation generation.
GenerationCompletionTime (string) –
Indicates the completion time of the recommendation generation.
EstimatedCompletionTime (string) –
Indicates the estimated time for when the recommendation generation will complete.
NextPageToken (string) –
The token to retrieve the next set of results.