CodeArtifact / Client / get_associated_package_group



Returns the most closely associated package group to the specified package. This API does not require that the package exist in any repository in the domain. As such, GetAssociatedPackageGroup can be used to see which package group’s origin configuration applies to a package before that package is in a repository. This can be helpful to check if public packages are blocked without ingesting them.

For information package group association and matching, see Package group definition syntax and matching behavior in the CodeArtifact User Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_associated_package_group(
  • domain (string) –


    The name of the domain that contains the package from which to get the associated package group.

  • domainOwner (string) – The 12-digit account number of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the domain. It does not include dashes or spaces.

  • format (string) –


    The format of the package from which to get the associated package group.

  • namespace (string) –

    The namespace of the package from which to get the associated package group. The package component that specifies its namespace depends on its type. For example:


    The namespace is required when getting associated package groups from packages of the following formats:

    • Maven

    • Swift

    • generic

    • The namespace of a Maven package version is its groupId.

    • The namespace of an npm or Swift package version is its scope.

    • The namespace of a generic package is its namespace.

    • Python, NuGet, Ruby, and Cargo package versions do not contain a corresponding component, package versions of those formats do not have a namespace.

  • package (string) –


    The package from which to get the associated package group.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'packageGroup': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'pattern': 'string',
        'domainName': 'string',
        'domainOwner': 'string',
        'createdTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'contactInfo': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'originConfiguration': {
            'restrictions': {
                'string': {
                    'mode': 'ALLOW'|'ALLOW_SPECIFIC_REPOSITORIES'|'BLOCK'|'INHERIT',
                    'effectiveMode': 'ALLOW'|'ALLOW_SPECIFIC_REPOSITORIES'|'BLOCK'|'INHERIT',
                    'inheritedFrom': {
                        'arn': 'string',
                        'pattern': 'string'
                    'repositoriesCount': 123
        'parent': {
            'arn': 'string',
            'pattern': 'string'
    'associationType': 'STRONG'|'WEAK'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • packageGroup (dict) –

      The package group that is associated with the requested package.

      • arn (string) –

        The ARN of the package group.

      • pattern (string) –

        The pattern of the package group. The pattern determines which packages are associated with the package group.

      • domainName (string) –

        The name of the domain that contains the package group.

      • domainOwner (string) –

        The 12-digit account number of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the domain. It does not include dashes or spaces.

      • createdTime (datetime) –

        A timestamp that represents the date and time the package group was created.

      • contactInfo (string) –

        The contact information of the package group.

      • description (string) –

        The description of the package group.

      • originConfiguration (dict) –

        The package group origin configuration that determines how package versions can enter repositories.

        • restrictions (dict) –

          The origin configuration settings that determine how package versions can enter repositories.

          • (string) –

            • (dict) –

              Contains information about the configured restrictions of the origin controls of a package group.

              • mode (string) –

                The package group origin restriction setting. If the value of mode is ALLOW, ALLOW_SPECIFIC_REPOSITORIES, or BLOCK, then the value of effectiveMode is the same. Otherwise, when the value is INHERIT, then the value of effectiveMode is the value of mode of the first parent group which does not have a value of INHERIT.

              • effectiveMode (string) –

                The effective package group origin restriction setting. If the value of mode is ALLOW, ALLOW_SPECIFIC_REPOSITORIES, or BLOCK, then the value of effectiveMode is the same. Otherwise, when the value of mode is INHERIT, then the value of effectiveMode is the value of mode of the first parent group which does not have a value of INHERIT.

              • inheritedFrom (dict) –

                The parent package group that the package group origin restrictions are inherited from.

                • arn (string) –

                  The ARN of the package group.

                • pattern (string) –

                  The pattern of the package group. The pattern determines which packages are associated with the package group, and is also the identifier of the package group.

              • repositoriesCount (integer) –

                The number of repositories in the allowed repository list.

      • parent (dict) –

        The direct parent package group of the package group.

        • arn (string) –

          The ARN of the package group.

        • pattern (string) –

          The pattern of the package group. The pattern determines which packages are associated with the package group, and is also the identifier of the package group.

    • associationType (string) –

      Describes the strength of the association between the package and package group. A strong match is also known as an exact match, and a weak match is known as a relative match.
