ConnectContactLens / Client / list_realtime_contact_analysis_segments
- ConnectContactLens.Client.list_realtime_contact_analysis_segments(**kwargs)#
Provides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis session.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_realtime_contact_analysis_segments( InstanceId='string', ContactId='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
- Parameters:
InstanceId (string) –
The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.
ContactId (string) –
The identifier of the contact.
MaxResults (integer) – The maximum number of results to return per page.
NextToken (string) – The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'Segments': [ { 'Transcript': { 'Id': 'string', 'ParticipantId': 'string', 'ParticipantRole': 'string', 'Content': 'string', 'BeginOffsetMillis': 123, 'EndOffsetMillis': 123, 'Sentiment': 'POSITIVE'|'NEUTRAL'|'NEGATIVE', 'IssuesDetected': [ { 'CharacterOffsets': { 'BeginOffsetChar': 123, 'EndOffsetChar': 123 } }, ] }, 'Categories': { 'MatchedCategories': [ 'string', ], 'MatchedDetails': { 'string': { 'PointsOfInterest': [ { 'BeginOffsetMillis': 123, 'EndOffsetMillis': 123 }, ] } } }, 'PostContactSummary': { 'Content': 'string', 'Status': 'FAILED'|'COMPLETED', 'FailureCode': 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'INSUFFICIENT_CONVERSATION_CONTENT'|'FAILED_SAFETY_GUIDELINES'|'INVALID_ANALYSIS_CONFIGURATION'|'INTERNAL_ERROR' } }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
Segments (list) –
An analyzed transcript or category.
(dict) –
An analyzed segment for a real-time analysis session.
Transcript (dict) –
The analyzed transcript.
Id (string) –
The identifier of the transcript.
ParticipantId (string) –
The identifier of the participant. Valid values are CUSTOMER or AGENT.
ParticipantRole (string) –
The role of participant. For example, is it a customer, agent, or system.
Content (string) –
The content of the transcript.
BeginOffsetMillis (integer) –
The beginning offset in the contact for this transcript.
EndOffsetMillis (integer) –
The end offset in the contact for this transcript.
Sentiment (string) –
The sentiment detected for this piece of transcript.
IssuesDetected (list) –
List of positions where issues were detected on the transcript.
(dict) –
Potential issues that are detected based on an artificial intelligence analysis of each turn in the conversation.
CharacterOffsets (dict) –
The offset for when the issue was detected in the segment.
BeginOffsetChar (integer) –
The beginning of the issue.
EndOffsetChar (integer) –
The end of the issue.
Categories (dict) –
The matched category rules.
MatchedCategories (list) –
The category rules that have been matched in the analyzed segment.
(string) –
MatchedDetails (dict) –
The category rule that was matched and when it occurred in the transcript.
(string) –
(dict) –
Provides information about the category rule that was matched.
PointsOfInterest (list) –
The section of audio where the category rule was detected.
(dict) –
The section of the contact audio where that category rule was detected.
BeginOffsetMillis (integer) –
The beginning offset in milliseconds where the category rule was detected.
EndOffsetMillis (integer) –
The ending offset in milliseconds where the category rule was detected.
PostContactSummary (dict) –
Information about the post-contact summary.
Content (string) –
The content of the summary.
Status (string) –
Whether the summary was successfully COMPLETED or FAILED to be generated.
FailureCode (string) –
If the summary failed to be generated, one of the following failure codes occurs:
: The number of concurrent analytics jobs reached your service quota.INSUFFICIENT_CONVERSATION_CONTENT
: The conversation needs to have at least one turn from both the participants in order to generate the summary.FAILED_SAFETY_GUIDELINES
: The generated summary cannot be provided because it failed to meet system safety guidelines.INVALID_ANALYSIS_CONFIGURATION
: This code occurs when, for example, you’re using a language that isn’t supported by generative AI-powered post-contact summaries.INTERNAL_ERROR
: Internal system error.
NextToken (string) –
If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results. If response includes
there are two possible scenarios:There are more segments so another call is required to get them.
There are no more segments at this time, but more may be available later (real-time analysis is in progress) so the client should call the operation again to get new segments.
If response does not include
, the analysis is completed (successfully or failed) and there are no more segments to retrieve.