DataZone / Client / create_subscription_request
- DataZone.Client.create_subscription_request(**kwargs)#
Creates a subscription request in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.create_subscription_request( clientToken='string', domainIdentifier='string', metadataForms=[ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeIdentifier': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], requestReason='string', subscribedListings=[ { 'identifier': 'string' }, ], subscribedPrincipals=[ { 'project': { 'identifier': 'string' } }, ] )
- Parameters:
clientToken (string) –
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
domainIdentifier (string) –
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the subscription request is created.
metadataForms (list) –
The metadata form included in the subscription request.
(dict) –
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) –
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) – [REQUIRED]
The name of the metadata form.
typeIdentifier (string) –
The ID of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) –
The revision of the metadata form type.
requestReason (string) –
The reason for the subscription request.
subscribedListings (list) –
The published asset for which the subscription grant is to be created.
(dict) –
The published asset for which the subscription grant is to be created.
identifier (string) – [REQUIRED]
The identifier of the published asset for which the subscription grant is to be created.
subscribedPrincipals (list) –
The Amazon DataZone principals for whom the subscription request is created.
(dict) –
The principal that is to be given a subscriptiong grant.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set:
.project (dict) –
The project that is to be given a subscription grant.
identifier (string) –
The identifier of the project that is to be given a subscription grant.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'decisionComment': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'existingSubscriptionId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'metadataForms': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'requestReason': 'string', 'reviewerId': 'string', 'status': 'PENDING'|'ACCEPTED'|'REJECTED', 'subscribedListings': [ { 'description': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'item': { 'assetListing': { 'assetScope': { 'assetId': 'string', 'errorMessage': 'string', 'filterIds': [ 'string', ], 'status': 'string' }, 'entityId': 'string', 'entityRevision': 'string', 'entityType': 'string', 'forms': 'string', 'glossaryTerms': [ { 'name': 'string', 'shortDescription': 'string' }, ] }, 'productListing': { 'assetListings': [ { 'entityId': 'string', 'entityRevision': 'string', 'entityType': 'string' }, ], 'description': 'string', 'entityId': 'string', 'entityRevision': 'string', 'glossaryTerms': [ { 'name': 'string', 'shortDescription': 'string' }, ], 'name': 'string' } }, 'name': 'string', 'ownerProjectId': 'string', 'ownerProjectName': 'string', 'revision': 'string' }, ], 'subscribedPrincipals': [ { 'project': { 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' } }, ], 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updatedBy': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
createdAt (datetime) –
A timestamp of when the subscription request is created.
createdBy (string) –
The Amazon DataZone user who created the subscription request.
decisionComment (string) –
The decision comment of the subscription request.
domainId (string) –
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in whcih the subscription request is created.
existingSubscriptionId (string) –
The ID of the existing subscription.
id (string) –
The ID of the subscription request.
metadataForms (list) –
The metadata form included in the subscription request.
(dict) –
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) –
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) –
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) –
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) –
The revision of the metadata form type.
requestReason (string) –
The reason for the subscription request.
reviewerId (string) –
The ID of the reviewer of the subscription request.
status (string) –
The status of the subscription request.
subscribedListings (list) –
The published asset for which the subscription grant is to be created.
(dict) –
The details of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
description (string) –
The description of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
id (string) –
The identifier of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
item (dict) –
The published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
assetListing (dict) –
The asset for which the subscription grant is created.
assetScope (dict) –
The asset scope of the subscribed asset listing.
assetId (string) –
The asset ID of the asset scope.
errorMessage (string) –
The error message of the asset scope.
filterIds (list) –
The filter IDs of the asset scope.
(string) –
status (string) –
The status of the asset scope.
entityId (string) –
The identifier of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
entityRevision (string) –
The revision of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
entityType (string) –
The type of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
forms (string) –
The forms attached to the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
glossaryTerms (list) –
The glossary terms attached to the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
(dict) –
Details of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
name (string) –
The name of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
shortDescription (string) –
The shoft description of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
productListing (dict) –
The data product listing.
assetListings (list) –
The data assets of the data product listing.
(dict) –
The listing of the asset in a data product.
entityId (string) –
The entity ID of the listing of the asset in a data product.
entityRevision (string) –
The entity revision of the listing of the asset in a data product.
entityType (string) –
The entity type of the listing of the asset in a data product.
description (string) –
The description of the data product listing.
entityId (string) –
The ID of the data product listing.
entityRevision (string) –
The revision of the data product listing.
glossaryTerms (list) –
The glossary terms of the data product listing.
(dict) –
Details of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
name (string) –
The name of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
shortDescription (string) –
The shoft description of a glossary term attached to the inventory asset.
name (string) –
The name of the data product listing.
name (string) –
The name of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
ownerProjectId (string) –
The identifier of the project of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
ownerProjectName (string) –
The name of the project that owns the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
revision (string) –
The revision of the published asset for which the subscription grant is created.
subscribedPrincipals (list) –
The subscribed principals of the subscription request.
(dict) –
The principal that has the subscription grant for the asset.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
project (dict) –
The project that has the subscription grant.
id (string) –
The identifier of the project that has the subscription grant.
name (string) –
The name of the project that has the subscription grant.
updatedAt (datetime) –
The timestamp of when the subscription request was updated.
updatedBy (string) –
The Amazon DataZone user who updated the subscription request.