Vpc / Attribute / block_public_access_states


  • (dict) –

    The state of VPC Block Public Access (BPA).

    • InternetGatewayBlockMode (string) –

      The mode of VPC BPA.

      • off: VPC BPA is not enabled and traffic is allowed to and from internet gateways and egress-only internet gateways in this Region.

      • block-bidirectional: Block all traffic to and from internet gateways and egress-only internet gateways in this Region (except for excluded VPCs and subnets).

      • block-ingress: Block all internet traffic to the VPCs in this Region (except for VPCs or subnets which are excluded). Only traffic to and from NAT gateways and egress-only internet gateways is allowed because these gateways only allow outbound connections to be established.