FMS / Client / get_policy
- FMS.Client.get_policy(**kwargs)#
Returns information about the specified Firewall Manager policy.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.get_policy( PolicyId='string' )
- Parameters:
PolicyId (string) –
The ID of the Firewall Manager policy that you want the details for.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'Policy': { 'PolicyId': 'string', 'PolicyName': 'string', 'PolicyUpdateToken': 'string', 'SecurityServicePolicyData': { 'Type': 'WAF'|'WAFV2'|'SHIELD_ADVANCED'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_COMMON'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_CONTENT_AUDIT'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_USAGE_AUDIT'|'NETWORK_FIREWALL'|'DNS_FIREWALL'|'THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL'|'IMPORT_NETWORK_FIREWALL'|'NETWORK_ACL_COMMON', 'ManagedServiceData': 'string', 'PolicyOption': { 'NetworkFirewallPolicy': { 'FirewallDeploymentModel': 'CENTRALIZED'|'DISTRIBUTED' }, 'ThirdPartyFirewallPolicy': { 'FirewallDeploymentModel': 'CENTRALIZED'|'DISTRIBUTED' }, 'NetworkAclCommonPolicy': { 'NetworkAclEntrySet': { 'FirstEntries': [ { 'IcmpTypeCode': { 'Code': 123, 'Type': 123 }, 'Protocol': 'string', 'PortRange': { 'From': 123, 'To': 123 }, 'CidrBlock': 'string', 'Ipv6CidrBlock': 'string', 'RuleAction': 'allow'|'deny', 'Egress': True|False }, ], 'ForceRemediateForFirstEntries': True|False, 'LastEntries': [ { 'IcmpTypeCode': { 'Code': 123, 'Type': 123 }, 'Protocol': 'string', 'PortRange': { 'From': 123, 'To': 123 }, 'CidrBlock': 'string', 'Ipv6CidrBlock': 'string', 'RuleAction': 'allow'|'deny', 'Egress': True|False }, ], 'ForceRemediateForLastEntries': True|False } } } }, 'ResourceType': 'string', 'ResourceTypeList': [ 'string', ], 'ResourceTags': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'ExcludeResourceTags': True|False, 'RemediationEnabled': True|False, 'DeleteUnusedFMManagedResources': True|False, 'IncludeMap': { 'string': [ 'string', ] }, 'ExcludeMap': { 'string': [ 'string', ] }, 'ResourceSetIds': [ 'string', ], 'PolicyDescription': 'string', 'PolicyStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'OUT_OF_ADMIN_SCOPE', 'ResourceTagLogicalOperator': 'AND'|'OR' }, 'PolicyArn': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
Policy (dict) –
Information about the specified Firewall Manager policy.
PolicyId (string) –
The ID of the Firewall Manager policy.
PolicyName (string) –
The name of the Firewall Manager policy.
PolicyUpdateToken (string) –
A unique identifier for each update to the policy. When issuing a
request, thePolicyUpdateToken
in the request must match thePolicyUpdateToken
of the current policy version. To get thePolicyUpdateToken
of the current policy version, use aGetPolicy
request.SecurityServicePolicyData (dict) –
Details about the security service that is being used to protect the resources.
Type (string) –
The service that the policy is using to protect the resources. This specifies the type of policy that is created, either an WAF policy, a Shield Advanced policy, or a security group policy. For security group policies, Firewall Manager supports one security group for each common policy and for each content audit policy. This is an adjustable limit that you can increase by contacting Amazon Web Services Support.
ManagedServiceData (string) –
Details about the service that are specific to the service type, in JSON format.
Valid values for
are between 1 and 99. Valid values forpostProcessRuleGroups
are between 9901 and 10000.Example:
Valid values for
are between 1 and 99. Valid values forpostProcessRuleGroups
are between 9901 and 10000.Example:
- Centralized deployment model"{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"awsNetworkFirewallConfig\":{\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":true}},\"firewallDeploymentModel\":{\"centralizedFirewallDeploymentModel\":{\"centralizedFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"inspectionVpcIds\":[{\"resourceId\":\"vpc-1234\",\"accountId\":\"123456789011\"}],\"firewallCreationConfig\":{\"endpointLocation\":{\"availabilityZoneConfigList\":[{\"availabilityZoneId\":null,\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1a\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\"]}]}},\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[]}}}}"
To use the centralized deployment model, you must set PolicyOption toCENTRALIZED
- Distributed deployment model with automatic Availability Zone configuration"{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\",\"\"],\"routeManagementAction\":\"OFF\"},\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":true}}"
With automatic Availbility Zone configuration, Firewall Manager chooses which Availability Zones to create the endpoints in. To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption toNULL
- Distributed deployment model with automatic Availability Zone configuration and route management"{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\",\"\"],\"routeManagementAction\":\"MONITOR\",\"routeManagementTargetTypes\":[\"InternetGateway\"]},\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\": \"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":true}}"
To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption toNULL
- Distributed deployment model with custom Availability Zone configuration"{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"fragmentcustomactionname\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\", \"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}},{\"actionName\":\"fragmentcustomactionname\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"fragmentmetricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"firewallCreationConfig\":{ \"endpointLocation\":{\"availabilityZoneConfigList\":[{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1a\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\"]},{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1b\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[ \"\"]}]} },\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":null,\"routeManagementAction\":\"OFF\",\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":boolean}}"
With custom Availability Zone configuration, you define which specific Availability Zones to create endpoints in by configuringfirewallCreationConfig
. To configure the Availability Zones infirewallCreationConfig
, specify either theavailabilityZoneName
parameter, not both parameters. To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption toNULL
- Distributed deployment model with custom Availability Zone configuration and route management"{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"fragmentcustomactionname\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}},{\"actionName\":\"fragmentcustomactionname\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"fragmentmetricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"firewallCreationConfig\":{\"endpointLocation\":{\"availabilityZoneConfigList\":[{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1a\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\"]},{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1b\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\"]}]}},\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":null,\"routeManagementAction\":\"MONITOR\",\"routeManagementTargetTypes\":[\"InternetGateway\"],\"routeManagementConfig\":{\"allowCrossAZTrafficIfNoEndpoint\":true}},\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":boolean}}"
To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption toNULL
- Security group tag distribution""{\"type\":\"SECURITY_GROUPS_COMMON\",\"securityGroups\":[{\"id\":\"sg-000e55995d61a06bd\"}],\"revertManualSecurityGroupChanges\":true,\"exclusiveResourceSecurityGroupManagement\":false,\"applyToAllEC2InstanceENIs\":false,\"includeSharedVPC\":false,\"enableTagDistribution\":true}""
Firewall Manager automatically distributes tags from the primary group to the security groups created by this policy. To use security group tag distribution, you must also setrevertManualSecurityGroupChanges
, otherwise Firewall Manager won’t be able to create the policy. When you enablerevertManualSecurityGroupChanges
, Firewall Manager identifies and reports when the security groups created by this policy become non-compliant. Firewall Manager won’t distribute system tags added by Amazon Web Services services into the replica security groups. System tags begin with theaws:
prefix.Example: Shared VPCs. Apply the preceding policy to resources in shared VPCs as well as to those in VPCs that the account owns
"{\"type\":\"SECURITY_GROUPS_COMMON\",\"revertManualSecurityGroupChanges\":false,\"exclusiveResourceSecurityGroupManagement\":false, \"applyToAllEC2InstanceENIs\":false,\"includeSharedVPC\":true,\"securityGroups\":[{\"id\":\" sg-000e55995d61a06bd\"}]}"
The security group action for content audit can beALLOW
, all in-scope security group rules must be within the allowed range of the policy’s security group rules. ForDENY
, all in-scope security group rules must not contain a value or a range that matches a rule value or range in the policy security group.Example:
with web ACL management"{\"type\":\"SHIELD_ADVANCED\",\"optimizeUnassociatedWebACL\":true}"
If you setoptimizeUnassociatedWebACL
, Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in accounts within the policy scope if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in the accounts within policy scope only if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. If at any time an account comes into policy scope, Firewall Manager automatically creates a web ACL in the account if at least one resource will use the web ACL. Upon enablement, Firewall Manager performs a one-time cleanup of unused web ACLs in your account. The cleanup process can take several hours. If a resource leaves policy scope after Firewall Manager creates a web ACL, Firewall Manager doesn’t disassociate the resource from the web ACL. If you want Firewall Manager to clean up the web ACL, you must first manually disassociate the resources from the web ACL, and then enable the manage unused web ACLs option in your policy. If you setoptimizeUnassociatedWebACL
, and Firewall Manager automatically creates an empty web ACL in each account that’s within policy scope.Specification for
for Amazon CloudFront distributions"{\"type\":\"SHIELD_ADVANCED\",\"automaticResponseConfiguration\": {\"automaticResponseStatus\":\"ENABLED|IGNORED|DISABLED\", \"automaticResponseAction\":\"BLOCK|COUNT\"}, \"overrideCustomerWebaclClassic\":true|false, \"optimizeUnassociatedWebACL\":true|false}"
For example:"{\"type\":\"SHIELD_ADVANCED\",\"automaticResponseConfiguration\": {\"automaticResponseStatus\":\"ENABLED\", \"automaticResponseAction\":\"COUNT\"}}"
The default value forautomaticResponseStatus
. The value forautomaticResponseAction
is only required whenautomaticResponseStatus
is set toENABLED
. The default value foroverrideCustomerWebaclClassic
. For other resource types that you can protect with a Shield Advanced policy, thisManagedServiceData
configuration is an empty string.Example:
with the name of the third-party firewall."{ "type":"THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL", "thirdPartyFirewall":"THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL_NAME", "thirdPartyFirewallConfig":{ "thirdPartyFirewallPolicyList":["global-1"] }, "firewallDeploymentModel":{ "distributedFirewallDeploymentModel":{ "distributedFirewallOrchestrationConfig":{ "firewallCreationConfig":{ "endpointLocation":{ "availabilityZoneConfigList":[ { "availabilityZoneName":"${AvailabilityZone}" } ] } }, "allowedIPV4CidrList":[ ] } } } }"
- Account takeover prevention, Bot Control managed rule groups, optimize unassociated web ACL, and rule action override"{\"type\":\"WAFV2\",\"preProcessRuleGroups\":[{\"ruleGroupArn\":null,\"overrideAction\":{\"type\":\"NONE\"},\"managedRuleGroupIdentifier\":{\"versionEnabled\":null,\"version\":null,\"vendorName\":\"AWS\",\"managedRuleGroupName\":\"AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet\",\"managedRuleGroupConfigs\":[{\"awsmanagedRulesATPRuleSet\":{\"loginPath\":\"/loginpath\",\"requestInspection\":{\"payloadType\":\"FORM_ENCODED|JSON\",\"usernameField\":{\"identifier\":\"/form/username\"},\"passwordField\":{\"identifier\":\"/form/password\"}}}}]},\"ruleGroupType\":\"ManagedRuleGroup\",\"excludeRules\":[],\"sampledRequestsEnabled\":true},{\"ruleGroupArn\":null,\"overrideAction\":{\"type\":\"NONE\"},\"managedRuleGroupIdentifier\":{\"versionEnabled\":null,\"version\":null,\"vendorName\":\"AWS\",\"managedRuleGroupName\":\"AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet\",\"managedRuleGroupConfigs\":[{\"awsmanagedRulesBotControlRuleSet\":{\"inspectionLevel\":\"TARGETED|COMMON\"}}]},\"ruleGroupType\":\"ManagedRuleGroup\",\"excludeRules\":[],\"sampledRequestsEnabled\":true,\"ruleActionOverrides\":[{\"name\":\"Rule1\",\"actionToUse\":{\"allow|block|count|captcha|challenge\":{}}},{\"name\":\"Rule2\",\"actionToUse\":{\"allow|block|count|captcha|challenge\":{}}}]}],\"postProcessRuleGroups\":[],\"defaultAction\":{\"type\":\"ALLOW\"},\"customRequestHandling\":null,\"customResponse\":null,\"overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation\":false,\"loggingConfiguration\":null,\"sampledRequestsEnabledForDefaultActions\":true,\"optimizeUnassociatedWebACL\":true}"
Bot Control - For information about
managed rule groups, see AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet in the WAF API Reference.Fraud Control account takeover prevention (ATP) - For information about the properties available for
managed rule groups, see AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet in the WAF API Reference.Optimize unassociated web ACL - If you set
, Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in accounts within the policy scope if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in the accounts within policy scope only if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. If at any time an account comes into policy scope, Firewall Manager automatically creates a web ACL in the account if at least one resource will use the web ACL. Upon enablement, Firewall Manager performs a one-time cleanup of unused web ACLs in your account. The cleanup process can take several hours. If a resource leaves policy scope after Firewall Manager creates a web ACL, Firewall Manager disassociates the resource from the web ACL, but won’t clean up the unused web ACL. Firewall Manager only cleans up unused web ACLs when you first enable management of unused web ACLs in a policy. If you setoptimizeUnassociatedWebACL
Firewall Manager doesn’t manage unused web ACLs, and Firewall Manager automatically creates an empty web ACL in each account that’s within policy scope.Rule action overrides - Firewall Manager supports rule action overrides only for managed rule groups. To configure a
add theName
of the rule to override, andActionToUse
, which is the new action to use for the rule. For information about using rule action override, see RuleActionOverride in the WAF API Reference.
configs - If you update the policy’s values forassociationConfig
, ortokenDomains
, Firewall Manager will overwrite your local web ACLs to contain the new value(s). However, if you don’t update the policy’sassociationConfig
, ortokenDomains
values, the values in your local web ACLs will remain unchanged. For information about association configs, see AssociationConfig. For information about CAPTCHA and Challenge configs, see CaptchaConfig and ChallengeConfig in the WAF API Reference.defaultSizeInspectionLimit
- Specifies the maximum size of the web request body component that an associated Amazon CloudFront distribution should send to WAF for inspection. For more information, see DefaultSizeInspectionLimit in the WAF API Reference.
- Firewall Manager support for WAF managed rule group versioning"{\"preProcessRuleGroups\":[{\"ruleGroupType\":\"ManagedRuleGroup\",\"overrideAction\":{\"type\":\"NONE\"},\"sampledRequestsEnabled\":true,\"managedRuleGroupIdentifier\":{\"managedRuleGroupName\":\"AWSManagedRulesAdminProtectionRuleSet\",\"vendorName\":\"AWS\",\"managedRuleGroupConfigs\":null}}],\"postProcessRuleGroups\":[],\"defaultAction\":{\"type\":\"ALLOW\"},\"customRequestHandling\":null,\"tokenDomains\":null,\"customResponse\":null,\"type\":\"WAFV2\",\"overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation\":false,\"sampledRequestsEnabledForDefaultActions\":true,\"optimizeUnassociatedWebACL\":true,\"webACLSource\":\"RETROFIT_EXISTING\"}"
To use a specific version of a WAF managed rule group in your Firewall Manager policy, you must setversionEnabled
, and setversion
to the version you’d like to use. If you don’t setversionEnabled
, or if you omitversionEnabled
, then Firewall Manager uses the default version of the WAF managed rule group.Example:
- Logging configurations"{\"type\":\"WAFV2\",\"preProcessRuleGroups\":[{\"ruleGroupArn\":null, \"overrideAction\":{\"type\":\"NONE\"},\"managedRuleGroupIdentifier\": {\"versionEnabled\":null,\"version\":null,\"vendorName\":\"AWS\", \"managedRuleGroupName\":\"AWSManagedRulesAdminProtectionRuleSet\"} ,\"ruleGroupType\":\"ManagedRuleGroup\",\"excludeRules\":[], \"sampledRequestsEnabled\":true}],\"postProcessRuleGroups\":[], \"defaultAction\":{\"type\":\"ALLOW\"},\"customRequestHandling\" :null,\"customResponse\":null,\"overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation\" :false,\"loggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\": [\"arn:aws:s3:::aws-waf-logs-example-bucket\"] ,\"redactedFields\":[],\"loggingFilterConfigs\":{\"defaultBehavior\":\"KEEP\", \"filters\":[{\"behavior\":\"KEEP\",\"requirement\":\"MEETS_ALL\", \"conditions\":[{\"actionCondition\":\"CAPTCHA\"},{\"actionCondition\": \"CHALLENGE\"}, {\"actionCondition\":\"EXCLUDED_AS_COUNT\"}]}]}},\"sampledRequestsEnabledForDefaultActions\":true}"
Firewall Manager supports Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon S3 as thelogDestinationConfigs
in yourloggingConfiguration
. For information about WAF logging configurations, see LoggingConfiguration in the WAF API Reference In theloggingConfiguration
, you can specify onelogDestinationConfigs
. Optionally provide as many as 20redactedFields
. TheRedactedFieldType
must be one ofURI
WAF Classic
PolicyOption (dict) –
Contains the settings to configure a network ACL policy, a Network Firewall firewall policy deployment model, or a third-party firewall policy.
NetworkFirewallPolicy (dict) –
Defines the deployment model to use for the firewall policy.
FirewallDeploymentModel (string) –
Defines the deployment model to use for the firewall policy. To use a distributed model, set PolicyOption to
ThirdPartyFirewallPolicy (dict) –
Defines the policy options for a third-party firewall policy.
FirewallDeploymentModel (string) –
Defines the deployment model to use for the third-party firewall policy.
NetworkAclCommonPolicy (dict) –
Defines a Firewall Manager network ACL policy.
NetworkAclEntrySet (dict) –
The definition of the first and last rules for the network ACL policy.
FirstEntries (list) –
The rules that you want to run first in the Firewall Manager managed network ACLs.
Provide these in the order in which you want them to run. Firewall Manager will assign the specific rule numbers for you, in the network ACLs that it creates.
You must specify at least one first entry or one last entry in any network ACL policy.
(dict) –
Describes a rule in a network ACL.
Each network ACL has a set of numbered ingress rules and a separate set of numbered egress rules. When determining whether a packet should be allowed in or out of a subnet associated with the network ACL, Amazon Web Services processes the entries in the network ACL according to the rule numbers, in ascending order.
When you manage an individual network ACL, you explicitly specify the rule numbers. When you specify the network ACL rules in a Firewall Manager policy, you provide the rules to run first, in the order that you want them to run, and the rules to run last, in the order that you want them to run. Firewall Manager assigns the rule numbers for you when you save the network ACL policy specification.
IcmpTypeCode (dict) –
ICMP protocol: The ICMP type and code.
Code (integer) –
ICMP code.
Type (integer) –
ICMP type.
Protocol (string) –
The protocol number. A value of “-1” means all protocols.
PortRange (dict) –
TCP or UDP protocols: The range of ports the rule applies to.
From (integer) –
The beginning port number of the range.
To (integer) –
The ending port number of the range.
CidrBlock (string) –
The IPv4 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation.
Ipv6CidrBlock (string) –
The IPv6 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation.
RuleAction (string) –
Indicates whether to allow or deny the traffic that matches the rule.
Egress (boolean) –
Indicates whether the rule is an egress, or outbound, rule (applied to traffic leaving the subnet). If it’s not an egress rule, then it’s an ingress, or inbound, rule.
ForceRemediateForFirstEntries (boolean) –
Applies only when remediation is enabled for the policy as a whole. Firewall Manager uses this setting when it finds policy violations that involve conflicts between the custom entries and the policy entries.
If forced remediation is disabled, Firewall Manager marks the network ACL as noncompliant and does not try to remediate. For more information about the remediation behavior, see Remediation for managed network ACLs in the Firewall Manager Developer Guide.
LastEntries (list) –
The rules that you want to run last in the Firewall Manager managed network ACLs.
Provide these in the order in which you want them to run. Firewall Manager will assign the specific rule numbers for you, in the network ACLs that it creates.
You must specify at least one first entry or one last entry in any network ACL policy.
(dict) –
Describes a rule in a network ACL.
Each network ACL has a set of numbered ingress rules and a separate set of numbered egress rules. When determining whether a packet should be allowed in or out of a subnet associated with the network ACL, Amazon Web Services processes the entries in the network ACL according to the rule numbers, in ascending order.
When you manage an individual network ACL, you explicitly specify the rule numbers. When you specify the network ACL rules in a Firewall Manager policy, you provide the rules to run first, in the order that you want them to run, and the rules to run last, in the order that you want them to run. Firewall Manager assigns the rule numbers for you when you save the network ACL policy specification.
IcmpTypeCode (dict) –
ICMP protocol: The ICMP type and code.
Code (integer) –
ICMP code.
Type (integer) –
ICMP type.
Protocol (string) –
The protocol number. A value of “-1” means all protocols.
PortRange (dict) –
TCP or UDP protocols: The range of ports the rule applies to.
From (integer) –
The beginning port number of the range.
To (integer) –
The ending port number of the range.
CidrBlock (string) –
The IPv4 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation.
Ipv6CidrBlock (string) –
The IPv6 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation.
RuleAction (string) –
Indicates whether to allow or deny the traffic that matches the rule.
Egress (boolean) –
Indicates whether the rule is an egress, or outbound, rule (applied to traffic leaving the subnet). If it’s not an egress rule, then it’s an ingress, or inbound, rule.
ForceRemediateForLastEntries (boolean) –
Applies only when remediation is enabled for the policy as a whole. Firewall Manager uses this setting when it finds policy violations that involve conflicts between the custom entries and the policy entries.
If forced remediation is disabled, Firewall Manager marks the network ACL as noncompliant and does not try to remediate. For more information about the remediation behavior, see Remediation for managed network ACLs in the Firewall Manager Developer Guide.
ResourceType (string) –
The type of resource protected by or in scope of the policy. This is in the format shown in the Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference. To apply this policy to multiple resource types, specify a resource type of
and then specify the resource types in aResourceTypeList
.The following are valid resource types for each Firewall Manager policy type:
Amazon Web Services WAF Classic -
, andAWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
.WAF -
, andAWS::CloudFront::Distribution
.Shield Advanced -
, andAWS::CloudFront::Distribution
.Network ACL -
.Security group usage audit -
.Security group content audit -
, andAWS::EC2::Instance
.DNS Firewall, Network Firewall, and third-party firewall -
ResourceTypeList (list) –
An array of
objects. Use this only to specify multiple resource types. To specify a single resource type, useResourceType
.(string) –
ResourceTags (list) –
An array of
objects.(dict) –
The resource tags that Firewall Manager uses to determine if a particular resource should be included or excluded from the Firewall Manager policy. Tags enable you to categorize your Amazon Web Services resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. If you add more than one tag to a policy, you can specify whether to combine them using the logical AND operator or the logical OR operator. For more information, see Working with Tag Editor.
Every resource tag must have a string value, either a non-empty string or an empty string. If you don’t provide a value for a resource tag, Firewall Manager saves the value as an empty string: “”. When Firewall Manager compares tags, it only matches two tags if they have the same key and the same value. A tag with an empty string value only matches with tags that also have an empty string value.
Key (string) –
The resource tag key.
Value (string) –
The resource tag value. To specify an empty string value, either don’t provide this or specify it as “”.
ExcludeResourceTags (boolean) –
If set to
, resources with the tags that are specified in theResourceTag
array are not in scope of the policy. If set toFalse
, and theResourceTag
array is not null, only resources with the specified tags are in scope of the policy.RemediationEnabled (boolean) –
Indicates if the policy should be automatically applied to new resources.
DeleteUnusedFMManagedResources (boolean) –
Indicates whether Firewall Manager should automatically remove protections from resources that leave the policy scope and clean up resources that Firewall Manager is managing for accounts when those accounts leave policy scope. For example, Firewall Manager will disassociate a Firewall Manager managed web ACL from a protected customer resource when the customer resource leaves policy scope.
By default, Firewall Manager doesn’t remove protections or delete Firewall Manager managed resources.
This option is not available for Shield Advanced or WAF Classic policies.
IncludeMap (dict) –
Specifies the Amazon Web Services account IDs and Organizations organizational units (OUs) to include in the policy. Specifying an OU is the equivalent of specifying all accounts in the OU and in any of its child OUs, including any child OUs and accounts that are added at a later time.
You can specify inclusions or exclusions, but not both. If you specify an
, Firewall Manager applies the policy to all accounts specified by theIncludeMap
, and does not evaluate anyExcludeMap
specifications. If you do not specify anIncludeMap
, then Firewall Manager applies the policy to all accounts except for those specified by theExcludeMap
.You can specify account IDs, OUs, or a combination:
Specify account IDs by setting the key to
. For example, the following is a valid map:{“ACCOUNT” : [“accountID1”, “accountID2”]}
.Specify OUs by setting the key to
. For example, the following is a valid map:{“ORG_UNIT” : [“ouid111”, “ouid112”]}
.Specify accounts and OUs together in a single map, separated with a comma. For example, the following is a valid map:
{“ACCOUNT” : [“accountID1”, “accountID2”], “ORG_UNIT” : [“ouid111”, “ouid112”]}
(string) –
(list) –
(string) –
ExcludeMap (dict) –
Specifies the Amazon Web Services account IDs and Organizations organizational units (OUs) to exclude from the policy. Specifying an OU is the equivalent of specifying all accounts in the OU and in any of its child OUs, including any child OUs and accounts that are added at a later time.
You can specify inclusions or exclusions, but not both. If you specify an
, Firewall Manager applies the policy to all accounts specified by theIncludeMap
, and does not evaluate anyExcludeMap
specifications. If you do not specify anIncludeMap
, then Firewall Manager applies the policy to all accounts except for those specified by theExcludeMap
.You can specify account IDs, OUs, or a combination:
Specify account IDs by setting the key to
. For example, the following is a valid map:{“ACCOUNT” : [“accountID1”, “accountID2”]}
.Specify OUs by setting the key to
. For example, the following is a valid map:{“ORG_UNIT” : [“ouid111”, “ouid112”]}
.Specify accounts and OUs together in a single map, separated with a comma. For example, the following is a valid map:
{“ACCOUNT” : [“accountID1”, “accountID2”], “ORG_UNIT” : [“ouid111”, “ouid112”]}
(string) –
(list) –
(string) –
ResourceSetIds (list) –
The unique identifiers of the resource sets used by the policy.
(string) –
PolicyDescription (string) –
Your description of the Firewall Manager policy.
PolicyStatus (string) –
Indicates whether the policy is in or out of an admin’s policy or Region scope.
- The administrator can manage and delete the policy.OUT_OF_ADMIN_SCOPE
- The administrator can view the policy, but they can’t edit or delete the policy. Existing policy protections stay in place. Any new resources that come into scope of the policy won’t be protected.
ResourceTagLogicalOperator (string) –
Specifies whether to combine multiple resource tags with AND, so that a resource must have all tags to be included or excluded, or OR, so that a resource must have at least one tag.
PolicyArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified policy.