IdentityStore / Client / list_group_memberships_for_member



For the specified member in the specified identity store, returns the list of all GroupMembership objects and returns results in paginated form.


If you have administrator access to a member account, you can use this API from the member account. Read about member accounts in the Organizations User Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_group_memberships_for_member(
        'UserId': 'string'
  • IdentityStoreId (string) –


    The globally unique identifier for the identity store.

  • MemberId (dict) –


    An object that contains the identifier of a group member. Setting the UserID field to the specific identifier for a user indicates that the user is a member of the group.


    This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: UserId.

    • UserId (string) –

      An object containing the identifiers of resources that can be members.

  • MaxResults (integer) – The maximum number of results to be returned per request. This parameter is used in the ListUsers and ListGroups requests to specify how many results to return in one page. The length limit is 50 characters.

  • NextToken (string) – The pagination token used for the ListUsers, ListGroups, and ListGroupMemberships API operations. This value is generated by the identity store service. It is returned in the API response if the total results are more than the size of one page. This token is also returned when it is used in the API request to search for the next page.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'GroupMemberships': [
            'IdentityStoreId': 'string',
            'MembershipId': 'string',
            'GroupId': 'string',
            'MemberId': {
                'UserId': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • GroupMemberships (list) –

      A list of GroupMembership objects in the group for a specified member.

      • (dict) –

        Contains the identifiers for a group, a group member, and a GroupMembership object in the identity store.

        • IdentityStoreId (string) –

          The globally unique identifier for the identity store.

        • MembershipId (string) –

          The identifier for a GroupMembership object in an identity store.

        • GroupId (string) –

          The identifier for a group in the identity store.

        • MemberId (dict) –

          An object that contains the identifier of a group member. Setting the UserID field to the specific identifier for a user indicates that the user is a member of the group.


          This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: UserId. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

          'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
          • UserId (string) –

            An object containing the identifiers of resources that can be members.

    • NextToken (string) –

      The pagination token used for the ListUsers, ListGroups, and ListGroupMemberships API operations. This value is generated by the identity store service. It is returned in the API response if the total results are more than the size of one page. This token is also returned when it is used in the API request to search for the next page.


  • IdentityStore.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • IdentityStore.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • IdentityStore.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • IdentityStore.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException

  • IdentityStore.Client.exceptions.ValidationException