ManagedBlockchain / Client / get_network



Returns detailed information about a network.

Applies to Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_network(

NetworkId (string) –


The unique identifier of the network to get information about.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Network': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Name': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Framework': 'HYPERLEDGER_FABRIC'|'ETHEREUM',
        'FrameworkVersion': 'string',
        'FrameworkAttributes': {
            'Fabric': {
                'OrderingServiceEndpoint': 'string',
                'Edition': 'STARTER'|'STANDARD'
            'Ethereum': {
                'ChainId': 'string'
        'VpcEndpointServiceName': 'string',
        'VotingPolicy': {
            'ApprovalThresholdPolicy': {
                'ThresholdPercentage': 123,
                'ProposalDurationInHours': 123,
                'ThresholdComparator': 'GREATER_THAN'|'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO'
        'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'Arn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Network (dict) –

      An object containing network configuration parameters.

      • Id (string) –

        The unique identifier of the network.

      • Name (string) –

        The name of the network.

      • Description (string) –

        Attributes of the blockchain framework for the network.

      • Framework (string) –

        The blockchain framework that the network uses.

      • FrameworkVersion (string) –

        The version of the blockchain framework that the network uses.

      • FrameworkAttributes (dict) –

        Attributes of the blockchain framework that the network uses.

        • Fabric (dict) –

          Attributes of Hyperledger Fabric for a Managed Blockchain network that uses Hyperledger Fabric.

          • OrderingServiceEndpoint (string) –

            The endpoint of the ordering service for the network.

          • Edition (string) –

            The edition of Amazon Managed Blockchain that Hyperledger Fabric uses. For more information, see Amazon Managed Blockchain Pricing.

        • Ethereum (dict) –

          Attributes of an Ethereum network for Managed Blockchain resources participating in an Ethereum network.

          • ChainId (string) –

            The Ethereum CHAIN_ID associated with the Ethereum network. Chain IDs are as follows:

            • mainnet = 1

      • VpcEndpointServiceName (string) –

        The VPC endpoint service name of the VPC endpoint service of the network. Members use the VPC endpoint service name to create a VPC endpoint to access network resources.

      • VotingPolicy (dict) –

        The voting rules that the network uses to decide if a proposal is accepted.

        • ApprovalThresholdPolicy (dict) –

          Defines the rules for the network for voting on proposals, such as the percentage of YES votes required for the proposal to be approved and the duration of the proposal. The policy applies to all proposals and is specified when the network is created.

          • ThresholdPercentage (integer) –

            The percentage of votes among all members that must be YES for a proposal to be approved. For example, a ThresholdPercentage value of 50 indicates 50%. The ThresholdComparator determines the precise comparison. If a ThresholdPercentage value of 50 is specified on a network with 10 members, along with a ThresholdComparator value of GREATER_THAN, this indicates that 6 YES votes are required for the proposal to be approved.

          • ProposalDurationInHours (integer) –

            The duration from the time that a proposal is created until it expires. If members cast neither the required number of YES votes to approve the proposal nor the number of NO votes required to reject it before the duration expires, the proposal is EXPIRED and ProposalActions aren’t carried out.

          • ThresholdComparator (string) –

            Determines whether the vote percentage must be greater than the ThresholdPercentage or must be greater than or equal to the ThresholdPercentage to be approved.

      • Status (string) –

        The current status of the network.

      • CreationDate (datetime) –

        The date and time that the network was created.

      • Tags (dict) –

        Tags assigned to the network. Each tag consists of a key and optional value.

        For more information about tags, see Tagging Resources in the Amazon Managed Blockchain Ethereum Developer Guide, or Tagging Resources in the Amazon Managed Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric Developer Guide.

        • (string) –

          • (string) –

      • Arn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network. For more information about ARNs and their format, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
