MediaConnect / Client / add_bridge_sources
- MediaConnect.Client.add_bridge_sources(**kwargs)#
Adds sources to an existing bridge.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.add_bridge_sources( BridgeArn='string', Sources=[ { 'FlowSource': { 'FlowArn': 'string', 'FlowVpcInterfaceAttachment': { 'VpcInterfaceName': 'string' }, 'Name': 'string' }, 'NetworkSource': { 'MulticastIp': 'string', 'MulticastSourceSettings': { 'MulticastSourceIp': 'string' }, 'Name': 'string', 'NetworkName': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Protocol': 'zixi-push'|'rtp-fec'|'rtp'|'zixi-pull'|'rist'|'st2110-jpegxs'|'cdi'|'srt-listener'|'srt-caller'|'fujitsu-qos'|'udp' } }, ] )
- Parameters:
BridgeArn (string) – [REQUIRED] The ARN of the bridge that you want to update.
Sources (list) –
[REQUIRED] The sources that you want to add to this bridge.
(dict) – Add a source to an existing bridge.
FlowSource (dict) – Add a flow source to an existing bridge.
FlowArn (string) – [REQUIRED] The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the cloud flow to use as a source of this bridge.
FlowVpcInterfaceAttachment (dict) – The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this source.
VpcInterfaceName (string) – The name of the VPC interface to use for this resource.
Name (string) – [REQUIRED] The name of the flow source. This name is used to reference the source and must be unique among sources in this bridge.
NetworkSource (dict) – Add a network source to an existing bridge.
MulticastIp (string) – [REQUIRED] The network source multicast IP.
MulticastSourceSettings (dict) – The settings related to the multicast source.
MulticastSourceIp (string) – The IP address of the source for source-specific multicast (SSM).
Name (string) – [REQUIRED] The name of the network source. This name is used to reference the source and must be unique among sources in this bridge.
NetworkName (string) – [REQUIRED] The network source’s gateway network name.
Port (integer) – [REQUIRED] The network source port.
Protocol (string) – [REQUIRED] The network source protocol.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'BridgeArn': 'string', 'Sources': [ { 'FlowSource': { 'FlowArn': 'string', 'FlowVpcInterfaceAttachment': { 'VpcInterfaceName': 'string' }, 'Name': 'string', 'OutputArn': 'string' }, 'NetworkSource': { 'MulticastIp': 'string', 'MulticastSourceSettings': { 'MulticastSourceIp': 'string' }, 'Name': 'string', 'NetworkName': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Protocol': 'zixi-push'|'rtp-fec'|'rtp'|'zixi-pull'|'rist'|'st2110-jpegxs'|'cdi'|'srt-listener'|'srt-caller'|'fujitsu-qos'|'udp' } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) – AWS Elemental MediaConnect added the bridge sources successfully.
BridgeArn (string) – The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the bridge.
Sources (list) – The sources that you added to this bridge.
(dict) – The bridge’s source.
FlowSource (dict) – The source of the bridge. A flow source originates in MediaConnect as an existing cloud flow.
FlowArn (string) – The ARN of the cloud flow used as a source of this bridge.
FlowVpcInterfaceAttachment (dict) – The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this source.
VpcInterfaceName (string) – The name of the VPC interface to use for this resource.
Name (string) – The name of the flow source.
OutputArn (string) – The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the output.
NetworkSource (dict) – The source of the bridge. A network source originates at your premises.
MulticastIp (string) – The network source multicast IP.
MulticastSourceSettings (dict) – The settings related to the multicast source.
MulticastSourceIp (string) – The IP address of the source for source-specific multicast (SSM).
Name (string) – The name of the network source.
NetworkName (string) – The network source’s gateway network name.
Port (integer) – The network source port.
Protocol (string) – The network source protocol.