NetworkManager / Client / put_core_network_policy
- NetworkManager.Client.put_core_network_policy(**kwargs)#
Creates a new, immutable version of a core network policy. A subsequent change set is created showing the differences between the LIVE policy and the submitted policy.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.put_core_network_policy( CoreNetworkId='string', PolicyDocument='string', Description='string', LatestVersionId=123, ClientToken='string' )
- Parameters:
CoreNetworkId (string) –
The ID of a core network.
PolicyDocument (string) –
The policy document.
Description (string) – a core network policy description.
LatestVersionId (integer) – The ID of a core network policy.
ClientToken (string) –
The client token associated with the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'CoreNetworkPolicy': { 'CoreNetworkId': 'string', 'PolicyVersionId': 123, 'Alias': 'LIVE'|'LATEST', 'Description': 'string', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ChangeSetState': 'PENDING_GENERATION'|'FAILED_GENERATION'|'READY_TO_EXECUTE'|'EXECUTING'|'EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED'|'OUT_OF_DATE', 'PolicyErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'string', 'Message': 'string', 'Path': 'string' }, ], 'PolicyDocument': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
CoreNetworkPolicy (dict) –
Describes the changed core network policy.
CoreNetworkId (string) –
The ID of a core network.
PolicyVersionId (integer) –
The ID of the policy version.
Alias (string) –
Whether a core network policy is the current LIVE policy or the most recently submitted policy.
Description (string) –
The description of a core network policy.
CreatedAt (datetime) –
The timestamp when a core network policy was created.
ChangeSetState (string) –
The state of a core network policy.
PolicyErrors (list) –
Describes any errors in a core network policy.
(dict) –
Provides details about an error in a core network policy.
ErrorCode (string) –
The error code associated with a core network policy error.
Message (string) –
The message associated with a core network policy error code.
Path (string) –
The JSON path where the error was discovered in the policy document.
PolicyDocument (string) –
Describes a core network policy.