RDS / Client / purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering



Purchases a reserved DB instance offering.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering(
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId (string) –


    The ID of the Reserved DB instance offering to purchase.

    Example: 438012d3-4052-4cc7-b2e3-8d3372e0e706

  • ReservedDBInstanceId (string) –

    Customer-specified identifier to track this reservation.

    Example: myreservationID

  • DBInstanceCount (integer) –

    The number of instances to reserve.

    Default: 1

  • Tags (list) –

    A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

    • (dict) –

      Metadata assigned to an Amazon RDS resource consisting of a key-value pair.

      For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources in the Amazon RDS User Guide or Tagging Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS Resources in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

      • Key (string) –

        A key is the required name of the tag. The string value can be from 1 to 128 Unicode characters in length and can’t be prefixed with aws: or rds:. The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, ‘_’, ‘.’, ‘:’, ‘/’, ‘=’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘@’ (Java regex: “^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-@]*)$”).

      • Value (string) –

        A value is the optional value of the tag. The string value can be from 1 to 256 Unicode characters in length and can’t be prefixed with aws: or rds:. The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, ‘_’, ‘.’, ‘:’, ‘/’, ‘=’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘@’ (Java regex: “^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-@]*)$”).

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'ReservedDBInstance': {
        'ReservedDBInstanceId': 'string',
        'ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId': 'string',
        'DBInstanceClass': 'string',
        'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Duration': 123,
        'FixedPrice': 123.0,
        'UsagePrice': 123.0,
        'CurrencyCode': 'string',
        'DBInstanceCount': 123,
        'ProductDescription': 'string',
        'OfferingType': 'string',
        'MultiAZ': True|False,
        'State': 'string',
        'RecurringCharges': [
                'RecurringChargeAmount': 123.0,
                'RecurringChargeFrequency': 'string'
        'ReservedDBInstanceArn': 'string',
        'LeaseId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • ReservedDBInstance (dict) –

      This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeReservedDBInstances and PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering actions.

      • ReservedDBInstanceId (string) –

        The unique identifier for the reservation.

      • ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId (string) –

        The offering identifier.

      • DBInstanceClass (string) –

        The DB instance class for the reserved DB instance.

      • StartTime (datetime) –

        The time the reservation started.

      • Duration (integer) –

        The duration of the reservation in seconds.

      • FixedPrice (float) –

        The fixed price charged for this reserved DB instance.

      • UsagePrice (float) –

        The hourly price charged for this reserved DB instance.

      • CurrencyCode (string) –

        The currency code for the reserved DB instance.

      • DBInstanceCount (integer) –

        The number of reserved DB instances.

      • ProductDescription (string) –

        The description of the reserved DB instance.

      • OfferingType (string) –

        The offering type of this reserved DB instance.

      • MultiAZ (boolean) –

        Indicates whether the reservation applies to Multi-AZ deployments.

      • State (string) –

        The state of the reserved DB instance.

      • RecurringCharges (list) –

        The recurring price charged to run this reserved DB instance.

        • (dict) –

          This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeReservedDBInstances and DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings actions.

          • RecurringChargeAmount (float) –

            The amount of the recurring charge.

          • RecurringChargeFrequency (string) –

            The frequency of the recurring charge.

      • ReservedDBInstanceArn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the reserved DB instance.

      • LeaseId (string) –

        The unique identifier for the lease associated with the reserved DB instance.


        Amazon Web Services Support might request the lease ID for an issue related to a reserved DB instance.


  • RDS.Client.exceptions.ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFoundFault

  • RDS.Client.exceptions.ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExistsFault

  • RDS.Client.exceptions.ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceededFault


This example purchases a reserved DB instance offering that matches the specified settings.

response = client.purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering(


Expected Output:

    'ReservedDBInstance': {
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',