ResilienceHub / Client / start_app_assessment
- ResilienceHub.Client.start_app_assessment(**kwargs)#
Creates a new application assessment for an application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.start_app_assessment( appArn='string', appVersion='string', assessmentName='string', clientToken='string', tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
- Parameters:
appArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resilience Hub application. The format for this ARN is: arn:
. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.appVersion (string) –
The version of the application.
assessmentName (string) –
The name for the assessment.
clientToken (string) –
Used for an idempotency token. A client token is a unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
tags (dict) –
Tags assigned to the resource. A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource. Each tag consists of a key/value pair.
(string) –
(string) –
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'assessment': { 'appArn': 'string', 'appVersion': 'string', 'assessmentArn': 'string', 'assessmentName': 'string', 'assessmentStatus': 'Pending'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Success', 'compliance': { 'string': { 'achievableRpoInSecs': 123, 'achievableRtoInSecs': 123, 'complianceStatus': 'PolicyBreached'|'PolicyMet'|'NotApplicable'|'MissingPolicy', 'currentRpoInSecs': 123, 'currentRtoInSecs': 123, 'message': 'string', 'rpoDescription': 'string', 'rpoReferenceId': 'string', 'rtoDescription': 'string', 'rtoReferenceId': 'string' } }, 'complianceStatus': 'PolicyBreached'|'PolicyMet'|'NotApplicable'|'MissingPolicy', 'cost': { 'amount': 123.0, 'currency': 'string', 'frequency': 'Hourly'|'Daily'|'Monthly'|'Yearly' }, 'driftStatus': 'NotChecked'|'NotDetected'|'Detected', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'invoker': 'User'|'System', 'message': 'string', 'policy': { 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dataLocationConstraint': 'AnyLocation'|'SameContinent'|'SameCountry', 'estimatedCostTier': 'L1'|'L2'|'L3'|'L4', 'policy': { 'string': { 'rpoInSecs': 123, 'rtoInSecs': 123 } }, 'policyArn': 'string', 'policyDescription': 'string', 'policyName': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'tier': 'MissionCritical'|'Critical'|'Important'|'CoreServices'|'NonCritical'|'NotApplicable' }, 'resiliencyScore': { 'componentScore': { 'string': { 'excludedCount': 123, 'outstandingCount': 123, 'possibleScore': 123.0, 'score': 123.0 } }, 'disruptionScore': { 'string': 123.0 }, 'score': 123.0 }, 'resourceErrorsDetails': { 'hasMoreErrors': True|False, 'resourceErrors': [ { 'logicalResourceId': 'string', 'physicalResourceId': 'string', 'reason': 'string' }, ] }, 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'summary': { 'riskRecommendations': [ { 'appComponents': [ 'string', ], 'recommendation': 'string', 'risk': 'string' }, ], 'summary': 'string' }, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'versionName': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
assessment (dict) –
The assessment created.
appArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resilience Hub application. The format for this ARN is: arn:
. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.appVersion (string) –
Version of an application.
assessmentArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment. The format for this ARN is: arn:
. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.assessmentName (string) –
Name of the assessment.
assessmentStatus (string) –
Current status of the assessment for the resiliency policy.
compliance (dict) –
Application compliance against the resiliency policy.
(string) –
(dict) –
Defines the compliance against the resiliency policy for a disruption.
achievableRpoInSecs (integer) –
The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that is achievable, in seconds.
achievableRtoInSecs (integer) –
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) that is achievable, in seconds
complianceStatus (string) –
The current status of compliance for the resiliency policy.
currentRpoInSecs (integer) –
The current RPO, in seconds.
currentRtoInSecs (integer) –
The current RTO, in seconds.
message (string) –
The disruption compliance message.
rpoDescription (string) –
The RPO description.
rpoReferenceId (string) –
Reference identifier of the RPO .
rtoDescription (string) –
The RTO description.
rtoReferenceId (string) –
Reference identifier of the RTO.
complianceStatus (string) –
Current status of the compliance for the resiliency policy.
cost (dict) –
Cost for the application.
amount (float) –
The cost amount.
currency (string) –
The cost currency, for example
.frequency (string) –
The cost frequency.
driftStatus (string) –
Indicates if compliance drifts (deviations) were detected while running an assessment for your application.
endTime (datetime) –
End time for the action.
invoker (string) –
The entity that invoked the assessment.
message (string) –
Error or warning message from the assessment execution
policy (dict) –
Resiliency policy of an application.
creationTime (datetime) –
Date and time when the resiliency policy was created.
dataLocationConstraint (string) –
Specifies a high-level geographical location constraint for where your resilience policy data can be stored.
estimatedCostTier (string) –
Specifies the estimated cost tier of the resiliency policy.
policy (dict) –
The resiliency policy.
(string) –
(dict) –
Defines a failure policy.
rpoInSecs (integer) –
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) in seconds.
rtoInSecs (integer) –
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) in seconds.
policyArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resiliency policy. The format for this ARN is: arn:
. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.policyDescription (string) –
Description of the resiliency policy.
policyName (string) –
The name of the policy
tags (dict) –
Tags assigned to the resource. A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource. Each tag consists of a key/value pair.
(string) –
(string) –
tier (string) –
The tier for this resiliency policy, ranging from the highest severity (
) to lowest (NonCritical
resiliencyScore (dict) –
Current resiliency score for an application.
componentScore (dict) –
The score generated by Resilience Hub for the scoring component after running an assessment.
For example, if the
is 25 points, it indicates the overall score of your application generated by Resilience Hub after running an assessment.(string) –
(dict) –
Resiliency score of each scoring component. For more information about scoring component, see Calculating resiliency score.
excludedCount (integer) –
Number of recommendations that were excluded from the assessment.
For example, if the
for Alarms coverage scoring component is 7, it indicates that 7 Amazon CloudWatch alarms are excluded from the assessment.outstandingCount (integer) –
Number of recommendations that must be implemented to obtain the maximum possible score for the scoring component. For SOPs, alarms, and tests, these are the number of recommendations that must be implemented. For compliance, these are the number of Application Components that have breached the resiliency policy.
For example, if the
for Alarms coverage scoring component is 5, it indicates that 5 Amazon CloudWatch alarms need to be implemented to achieve the maximum possible score.possibleScore (float) –
Maximum possible score that can be obtained for the scoring component.
For example, if the
is 20 points, it indicates the maximum possible score you can achieve for the scoring component when you run a new assessment after implementing all the Resilience Hub recommendations.score (float) –
Resiliency score points given for the scoring component. The score is always less than or equal to the
disruptionScore (dict) –
The disruption score for a valid key.
(string) –
(float) –
score (float) –
The outage score for a valid key.
resourceErrorsDetails (dict) –
A resource error object containing a list of errors retrieving an application’s resources.
hasMoreErrors (boolean) –
This indicates if there are more errors not listed in the
list.resourceErrors (list) –
A list of errors retrieving an application’s resources.
(dict) –
Defines application resource errors.
logicalResourceId (string) –
Identifier of the logical resource.
physicalResourceId (string) –
Identifier of the physical resource.
reason (string) –
This is the error message.
startTime (datetime) –
Starting time for the action.
summary (dict) –
Indicates the AI-generated summary for the Resilience Hub assessment, providing a concise overview that highlights the top risks and recommendations.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
riskRecommendations (list) –
Indicates the top risks and recommendations identified by the Resilience Hub assessment, each representing a specific risk and the corresponding recommendation to address it.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
(dict) –
Indicates a specific risk identified in the Resilience Hub assessment and the corresponding recommendation provided to address that risk.
The assessment summary generated by large language models (LLMs) on Amazon Bedrock are only suggestions. The current level of generative AI technology is not perfect and LLMs are not infallible. Bias and incorrect answers, although rare, should be expected. Review each recommendation in the assessment summary before you use the output from an LLM.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
appComponents (list) –
Indicates the Application Components (AppComponents) that were assessed as part of the assessment and are associated with the identified risk and recommendation.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
(string) –
recommendation (string) –
Indicates the recommendation provided by the Resilience Hub to address the identified risks in the application.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
risk (string) –
Indicates the description of the potential risk identified in the application as part of the Resilience Hub assessment.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
summary (string) –
Indicates a concise summary that provides an overview of the Resilience Hub assessment.
This property is available only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
tags (dict) –
Tags assigned to the resource. A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource. Each tag consists of a key/value pair.
(string) –
(string) –
versionName (string) –
Version name of the published application.