ServiceCatalog / Client / list_launch_paths
- ServiceCatalog.Client.list_launch_paths(**kwargs)#
Lists the paths to the specified product. A path describes how the user gets access to a specified product and is necessary when provisioning a product. A path also determines the constraints that are put on a product. A path is dependent on a specific product, porfolio, and principal.
When provisioning a product that’s been added to a portfolio, you must grant your user, group, or role access to the portfolio. For more information, see Granting users access in the Service Catalog User Guide.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_launch_paths( AcceptLanguage='string', ProductId='string', PageSize=123, PageToken='string' )
- Parameters:
AcceptLanguage (string) –
The language code.
- Japanesezh
- Chinese
ProductId (string) –
The product identifier.
PageSize (integer) – The maximum number of items to return with this call.
PageToken (string) – The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of results, use null.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'LaunchPathSummaries': [ { 'Id': 'string', 'ConstraintSummaries': [ { 'Type': 'string', 'Description': 'string' }, ], 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'Name': 'string' }, ], 'NextPageToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
LaunchPathSummaries (list) –
Information about the launch path.
(dict) –
Summary information about a product path for a user.
Id (string) –
The identifier of the product path.
ConstraintSummaries (list) –
The constraints on the portfolio-product relationship.
(dict) –
Summary information about a constraint.
Type (string) –
The type of constraint.
Description (string) –
The description of the constraint.
Tags (list) –
The tags associated with this product path.
(dict) –
Information about a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. Tags are propagated to the resources created when provisioning a product.
Key (string) –
The tag key.
Value (string) –
The value for this key.
Name (string) –
The name of the portfolio that contains the product.
NextPageToken (string) –
The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.